Chapter 20

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After that incident,  I was walking alone, Sora was with AyameKuji and Ayame's friends,  she usually walks and goes out with guys,  specially after her relationship with Ayame, anyway I wabs walking alone for ten minutes then I felt a hand on my shoulder,  " Hi " I heard a voice saying that,  I was about to punch that guy but he hold my hand,  my hand was in front of his face the distance between them was two or three cm ONLY , " Hi again " he said,  THAT GUY WAS NAOKO 

" you scared me,  hi Nao-kan , how are you?!?!  You are Sora's cousin,  right , what are you doing here?! " I asked

" hi,  I am fine,  right I am Sora's cousin,  sorry if I scared you,  I was walking bear and then I saw you,  I wanted to ask you where is this stupid lady Sora?!?! " he said

" She us with her boyfriend,  actually I don't know where exactly " I replied

" thanks,  why are you walking alone?!?! Do you want a company ?!?!" he asked

" OK Why not?!?! " I said,  ' maybe I can use him to show Haiah that I don't want Ayato,  and that will make her feel safer them I will change her life to a hell ' I thought evilly 

Then after that me and Naoko stayed closer to each other of course I didn't tell him about my plan behind that,  anyway I tried to talk to you more and get closer to him more in front of Haiah .

Then one day Haiah asked Naoko to talk in private,  I told him to go with her and then I went but I didn't leave them alone,  I knew that Haiah was up to something so I followed them , Haiah was cheating him,  she told him that I am a bad lady and that he must leave me as soon as possible,  she was falling for him,  in order to make him like her and leave me same as she did with Ayato before,  they were hanging out together every day after school,  Haiah though my that she was bothering me but it was the opposite , I was making a plan on her and she did what I want,  actually I was making a video for both of them together,  I planned to show it to Ayato but how, I mean he won't believe me,  I stayed the whole night thinking of how to tell him everything , " he won't believe me,  he also won't believe Sora because he already knows that we are best friends,  Who is that person that Ayato will believe?!  I mean Haiah is too close to his heart now , he won't believe anyone that easy that person must be too close to his heart,  he must be one of his close friends but who is he?!  It can be Ayame,  he doesn't know that Sora and Ayame are in a relationship and they are dating,  and Ayame is too close to Ayato's heart and it is so easy to get help from Ayame because he like Sora,  I must call her tomorrow morning but I lied on her before ,Would she help me in that?!  I will see , now I must go to bed I have a long day of revenge tomorrow " I murmured to myself then went to sleep.

The next day I woke up early and called Sora I told her everything and she was surprised and sad that lied on her before,  but she told me that she will talk to Ayame,  then she closed then after ten minutes she called me again,  " hi how did everything happen? He will help us right?" I said excitedly

" if everything didn't work as I wanted I will kill you, Haiah and Ayato and then I will kill myself if the problem needed " she said

" What?!  Why are you angry?!  From your way then he will help us but what in this problem " I said

" I told him that we aren't going on a date for the rest of the month because I am mad at him and now when I called him,  he said that he won't help us till I go on a date with him " she explained

" hehe sorry " I said

" never mind taking revenge from Haiah is more important and actually I started missing Ayame and I needed a reason to talk with him,  you know " she said

" yeah " I said

" are you going to school now?! " she asked

" nope I am tired,  I will stay at home today  " I said

" so you are free today " she said

" yeah why?! " I asked

" actually I need to escape from Ayame and I also need to go shopping,  Can you come with me ?! I really miss you and I want to meet you "

" OK but that's enough I don't want to be your excuse "

" sorry, see ya at 1:00 pm, counting to see you " she said

Then I prepared myself to go our with her,  I really miss her so much,  I wore my blue dress and then went to the mall I saw her there she was wearing a blue top and a purple hot short, after half an hour from shopping , Sora found a message from Ayame saying that he will be at the mall with Ayato after half an hour so we better leave and he also reminded Sora of their date, Sora blushed as a result of reading his message , anyway we headed our of the mall we went at my home,  then Ayame called Sora and let is hear their conversation,  first they were talking about their friendship then they started talking about HAIAHAyame turned our call to a video call then he showed Ayato the video of Haiah,  he was heartbroken and I felt pity for him,  but my revenge from Haiah must come first , Ayato went to Haiah and broke up with her,  Haiah lied on him but he didn't believe her and that's good , anyway after the end of our plan Sora went to the mall again for more shopping for her sister Hikari,  I went with her because Sakura and Haruka need a lot of new clothes, we entered to the mall and there we saw Ayame,  he helped us in shopping but his real goal was making Sora blush and arranging the date, after shopping Ayame drove us home,  I went home and went to my bedroom , there I found a message from Ayato saying " Hi Akira how are you can we have a talk?!  Are you free tonight?! "

" Actually I am not,  even if I am I am not going to go with you,  I don't want to talk with you about my enemy OK " I said

" we are not going to talk about her I want to talk to as an old friend if I still have the chance to " he said

" well you don't have the chance to " I said

" Come on Akira,  Give me a chance to apologize " he said

My heart was singing and dancing from happiness,  " Well see you after five hours at the old park don't be late because I will leave quickly '' I said trying to act in a casual way , I have five hours to get ready.

A/N : thank you for reading the story hope you enjoy the chapter,  GOOD BYE 👋

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