Chapter 22

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The next day I went to the class and sat in my place and then Ayato came and said " Good morning "

" Good morning " I replied then he sat next to me then the teacher entered the class and she was surrounded by three students, guess who?  SoraAyame and the elephant,  the teacher said " they will have classes with us this week only and they will attend the exams and then continue their punishment " , while the teacher was talking,  I saw Sora waving at the class,  she waved directly at me and then at Ayato,  and then at the boys at the back, she would never change,  the boys at the back were about to wave back to her but Ayame gave them the red eye so they stupid,  I was laughing so hard inside,  Sora didn't notice Ayame,  anyway she sat at the back of the class as usual,  her place was empty,  actually it is more than normal,  I can remember the last time the teacher asked a boy to sit in Sora's place, all the boys showed their disagreement and they started behaving bad with that boy,  the opposite of the thing happened with Ayame,  he will sit at the front because his place was equipped, anyway we had the first two sections and as usual Sora wasn't free to hear the teacher because she was talking to her friends , Ayame was really sad, I could smell the fire coming from him and I also can smell another fire this fire was coming from Ayato as he was looking at Haiah having fun with the boys,  I was really sad for him actually I can feel him,  I felt the same when he was with Haiah, " Ayato " I said but he didn't reply,  " Ayato " I said again, he didn't reply,  I have two choices,  one: he is can't hear me as his volcano is about to erupt

Two : he is ignoring me because he is busy looking at Haiah.

I called him again but this time he replied,  " what?! Ayato Ayato,  can't you see I don't wanna reply on you " , he didn't say it was normal SHOUT,  in the middle of the class , which made Haiah really happy

" Sorry it is my fault " I said and looked away

" Look Akira,  I am sorry,  I shouldn't raise my voice,  sorry " he said

I ignored him and he did the same then I looked at Sora at the back whose face was blank she was so surprised and couldn't say a word, I smiled at her and then I looked in front of me again,  ' that stupid how dare him shout at me like that,  I will show him '.

In the break Sora asked me about Ayato and I told her about it,  she was boiling then we went to Chloe and then Mirai at first we couldn't see her but then in on of the corridors we saw her kissing Notori,  " oh shit " Chloe said

While Sora and me began to stare at them with blank faces actually this was the least expected thing,  Chloe forced us to leave them alone before they notice, anyway we left them then we walked a little then I  saw the worst thing in my whole life,  I SAW AYATO AND HAIAH KISSING,  I was so sad and tears began to roll down my face so I ran to the toilet,  I didn't want anyone to see me while crying anyway after I got out of the toilet,  I saw Sora blaming Chloe for something and when I get closer,  I heard Sora saying  " how can you tell Ayato that Akira likes him?!?! "

" WTF?!  " I said with a loud voice

" Oops " Sora said then she came to me and said " you heard us right "

" yes " I replied

" Damn it " she said and then looked at Chloe and looked back at me and said " look Akira maybe he knew but look at the bright side I kicked him and slapped him and did everything for you but are you OK?! "

" yes I am " I said then threw myself in Sora's arms and then I looked at Ayame and said " sorry for taking your place for today " I said trying to be funny in order not to show that I was crying, Sora laughed and then hugged me then said " you always have a place dear "

Sora is so cute,  I am happy she found the one who loves her the most, anyway I can say that I am feeling better , after that we went to the class and then I asked the teacher to sit next to Sora and she agreed and we talked together all the sections,  this was the only thing which made me really feel better

When I went home I continued crying then I found Sakura and Haruka coming to me with their cute faces and they were asking me why I am sad ?! Then I heard the bell of the door ringing so I went to open it and saw Sora and Hikari coming, my little sister and brother were so happy as they were jumping from happiness,  then Hikari and Sora came in and then Sakura asked Sora to let Hikari play with us and she said OK , she looked at her with a smile and then looked at me with a sad face,  then I saw HikariSakura and Haruka running to the room in order to play then Sora came closer to me and hugged me and said " Are you OK now?! "

I nodded as a response and then I sat down in our living room and Sora sat next to me and then we started talking,  and she was trying to make me feel better and I guess she succeeded, anyway after a talk Sora's phone rang and she answered it was Ayame,  they talked for a five minutes then they closed,  Sora looked at me and said " Ayame asked me if you are OK "

I smiled and then she said " Do you think you can go to school tomorrow?!?! "

" yeah I must face it " I said

" you are strong same as I know you,  my little tigress " she said with a smile

I smiled back at her and then I asked her "What did her told you?! "

" nothing important,  he just wanted me to go with him on a date and I told him not today so he said and I told him no maybe next week " she replied

" no honey go with him today " I said

" no " she said

" so maybe tomorrow " I said , trying not to feel guilty because I am forcing her not to go with him

" you can't force me " she said

" no I can force you " I said

" OK OK but first I will make sure you are OK " she said

" Promise?" I said

" P-promise " she said

" deal?! " I said because her voice and her way of saying it made me uncomfortable

" Deal " she said

" let me see your hand " I said

" Come on Akira,  why do you think I am lying?! "

" Let me see your hand " I insisted and get her hand out of her pocket and I saw her making a the symbol she always make to show that she won't do the deal,  I looked at her and saw her making a silly face getting her tongue out , " you know me " she said

I hold bet hand and said " promise me NOW "

" OK OK,  I promise " she said,  I smiled and then hugged her,  she hugged me back and then she called Ayame and told him ,then we talked a little about Notori and Mirai , then we went to sleep as I noticed that it was already it was eleven and we have school tomorrow

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