Chapter 8

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The next day it was Saturday, It was a very boring day, I still at hospital because of Hikari, I was happy because Hikari will come back home with me tomorrow, it was so boring staying at the hospital with no one even Akira had a lot of important staff to do with her young brother Haruka and her sister Sakura, Anyway I was so bored.

The next day is the day I wanted it to come more quickly than that,  today is the day Hikari is getting out from the hospital and coming back home I was happy because of that,  anyway when we reached our house I opened the door and entered,  just then a box full of colours fill on me and Hikari and a very loud voice said " surprise "

When I turned to the light, I saw Akira, Chloe, Mirai ,Kuji , Ayame and some other friends,  I couldn't stop smiling,  I was very happy because I felt that I have lots of friends , very good ones , then Akira came to me and said " this is your birthday gift "

" my birthday gift?!?!?! " I said

" Did you forget your birthday date ?!!" she asked

" yup " I said and nodded my head

She laughed at me and gave me a big box which was as she said my birthday gift, I  really wanted to know what is it?  I mean Akira knows me more than myself , Anyway Chloe and Mirai came to me and gave me a hug and said " HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARLING " both of them have me a present which looks so heavy for me. Then it was Ayame and Kuji's turn they gave me a small box I really really wanted to open the gifts everyone gave to me specially Akira's gift,  I was very happy,  I mean she still remembers my birthday date and ten years passed till I came back, I couldn't control my happiness,  the house was totally prepared,  I mean there was a stage,  small one but it was very useful,  anyway the party was fun and that's what we did:

First: truth or dare

Second : colour fight

Third : we ate the cake

Fourth : we danced Zomba

Fifth : we sang together

The truth or dare was very funny specially my turn to ask Akira " truth or dare "

" Dare " she said

"OK I want you to go to the roof of the house and dance and say that you are stupid " I said

" OK " she said angrily and went to the roof and did so and after she finished she took of her shoes and ran after me so I entered my room and locked the door with a key and I didn't get out till she promised me that she won't hurt me,  anyway Akira needed to take revenge even if it is not from me,  sadly Mirai is the one who was the sheep that she killed she asked her to go to her crush house and wear the hottest clothes she had and we went after her and we knew her crush,  his name was Notori and we invited him to. my birthday, anyway Mirai tried to take her revenge but from Chloe she asked her " What is the most embarrassing thing happened to you? "

" You know it you all do " Chloe  said

Then it was my turn to be asked and from whom Ayame,  now I really believe in Karma and Karma is a rule you must take in your life and It says that " if you did something wrong it will reflect on you and the same as the good things ", anyway Ayame asked me the most embarrassing question,  and he said " truth or dare "

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