Chapter 11

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The next day I went to school early, I talked to Akira and she called me names as usual but this time the reason was totally different the reason was that I woke her up at 2:00 am , anyway I saw Ayame so I run to him, he was surprised and he said " Did you miss me?!?! "

"of course not, anyway I wanted to call you but it was too late " I said

"what is the problem? You have never called me before, I am the one who calls you, it became my job now " he said

" Quite funny " I said

"I know I am so funny and cool " he said

" Stop it that's silly " I said

"OK OK what do you want?!?! "

"I came here to tell you about my new idea" I said

" Again you never get bored "

" I am not going to tell you about it"

" OK that's better "

" Stop it I hate this way of talking " I said

" I am not going to stop "

" and I am not going to talk to you anymore "

" you can't " he said in a silly way

"I can, and I will do it "

" we will see "

" Deal and the winner must have a cup of coffee " I said

" deal for twenty four hours "

" OK " I said then went but I was worried, I mean how should I do my plan without him, " he doesn't have the right to know everything, even if it is related to his sister at last it is going to be my work " I murmured

Then I saw Ayame moving in front of me with a pretty girl beside him, " he is trying to make me jealous but he is going to fail" I murmured to myself " I hate him very much " I tried to believe the idea that I didn't like him and all of that was fake love and tried to believe that I didn't need him in my life , anyway he continued acting and I started to feel jealous but I just focused about the main idea CHLOE and KUJI , I went to Chloe and asked her to go to the cafeteria where Kuji was sitting and I told her that Kuji was heartbroken same as her and it is going to be good if they became friends, then Chloe went to the cafeteria and sat on Kuji's table and they started talking to each other, I felt happy, then after that brilliant succeed , I went and sat next to Akira and I talked to her, after a while Ayato came, he seemed somehow surprised, and he was looking at Akira all the time but I didn't know why but I was worried and I thought that maybe he remembered her and what will happen if he did so I was thinking in a negative way, then he asked Akira to talk in private, so I left her with him but all of these questions were ranging in my mind, I thought that he wanted to argue with me but this didn't happen, I walked towards an empty table but it was next to Ayame and Atsomi's table, he was talking to her in a very weird way and she talked to him softly I must admit that I was jealous but I controlled myself because I can see that Ayame's eyes were always on me and that's good, but my mind was decided part of it was thinking about Ayame and the other was thinking about Ayato and Akira, then a handsome guy came and sat on my table, he sat in front of me that guy was Nev my friend from London, I was really happy, it was a great surprise.

" why didn't you tell me that you are coming ?" I asked

" I wanted it as a surprise " he said " how did you find it?!?!?! "

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