Chapter 6

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The next day I wanted to stay at home but my sister forced my to go because she wanted me to go with her to school because her friends are not good with her anyway when I went to my sister school I saw Ayame there I was surprised so I went to him and said "What are you doing here? "

"hello I am fine these words are used by human  before saying anything else "Ayame said

"sorry, hi how are you? "I said

"fine "he said.

"what are you doing here? "I asked

"My cousin have a problem here and he could not tell his family so he asked me to come and I couldn't refuse because I used to do the same thing when I was in his age "he said "and you? "

"my sister Hikari have some problems with her friends even one of them broke her phone " I said

Then Hikari came and said "come on we don't have enough time the school will start in five minutes OK "

" I need to go now see you soon " I said

Then Hikari pulled me, then suddenly she stopped to talk with what seems to be her crush then she told me to go and not to listen to their conversation I couldn't believe my self she is only 10 years old I couldn't bare my surprise but in order to be honest the boy is so cute and sweet anyway after standing there for two minutes listening to their conversation that boy asked Hikari If I was her sister and she said "yes "

Then he said "OK I will call my cousin"then he went for a moment and came back at first I didn't give them any attention and played with my phone but I also listened to them then I heard a sound which seems familiar to me and this sound said "I don't care about that " then I looked at Hikari and that boy then I saw Ayame I was shocked I mean that's strange anyway I acted as if I was not here and that I didn't see him or that I even cares then I heard Hikari saying "go and stand there and that's an order "then she pointed at me then Ayame looked at me and I don't know but he did what she asked him to do .

Anyway when Ayame came he said "how much time are we going to stay without doing anything we must tell them that we have school "

"so boring " I said

"Ah, By the way your sister is bossy same as you " he said

"no I am not bossy " I said

" really don't you know yourself " he said " Anyway we are very late I think that our first section had started "

"I planned not to go to school today and I told Akira,  I knew that it is going to take along time" I said

"Good" he said

Then I heard the bell of the school ranging so I went to Hikari and she said "OK I am going to go to my class and you stay here OK "

"OK "I said "my little bossy girl "

"I am not bossy "Hikari said

Then I went back to Ayame and said " I have to wait and you"

"same " he said "Now what I have a lot of things to do at school "

"I have two plans to do " I murmured to myself

" two! " he said "I thought you have one only"

"yeah they were one till yesterday " I said

"what is the second one about?!? "he asked "maybe I can help you "

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