Chapter 28

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The next day I went to school,  when I entered the school gates I saw Haiah with her stupid friends and she was looking at me and then said " I am smelling something so disgusting, it us more disgusting than a bullshit "

All her friends laughed at me then I laughed she looked at me in a strange way as ' I am talking about you stupid ' , I walked closer to her and then said " I am happy that you are smelling yourself, I hope you change your perfume because it is a lot worse than that,  I can't even find words to describe it " , I went and then came back to her and then said " I forgot,  thanks for saving my effort of saying this ", I went happily as I smiled to myself to myself,  I feel positive today

I walked in front of me without paying attention to my way then I crashed into Ayato and then I heard Haiah saying " Can you see babe she made fool of me and made everyone laugh at me ?!"

Ayato laughed then said " I guess that what she did was fair? You really smell a lot worth than what she said "

Haiah blushed and then shoot me a death glare and I smile and waved in return,  I can smell a fire coming from Haiah,  this made me so happy

" What's the matter? You look so happy " Ayato said

" First : Don't never ask your girlfriend,  why she is happy but say hope to see your smile every second of my life,  second : I have something in my head " I said

" really!  And what is that thing which is not letting Haiah bother you tell me and I will make it happen everyday " he chuckled

" that's better,  and I will tell you but not now " I said then the bell rang and I went with Ayato who was all the way asking me about what I meant but I ignored him till we reached the class

In the class I went to my desk next to Sora and I told her about my revenge from Haiah , but her reaction was really far away from what I expected , she said " great amazing, this is gonna be fun "

" are you in?! " I asked

" no I will watch with popcorn, it is your war not mine but I will watch and tell me when you are gonna start in order to get the camera " she said

" It seems that Ayame changed you a lot " I chuckled and again I was more than surprised with her answer,  she said " Maybe " , then she went I was so so surprised and somehow confused

I will get revenge and Sora is gonna watch , this is gonna be fun

I was deep in thoughts when I noticed Haiah looking at me and then said " Look who is here the girl who stole my boyfriend and lie to him and faked bad things about me "

" I guess that you are describing yourself Haiah " I said coldly " you stole Ayato in the first place but I didn't reply and then you started the war and I am just putting an end to it "

Haiah became red and then she moved away with her friends who I better call them her followers and her slaves because I know that she will get red of them as soon as she get bored of them

Then suddenly I got an amazing idea,  I will take off her fake innocent face and then everyone will leave her alone and then she will come crying to me and what I will do will be a lot worse than she expects, I will make her wish that she didn't use me one day , sometimes I become afraid of my own brilliantly and my own mind


Hey guys thanks for reading, we are so near to the end, we still have two more chapters , comment and vote if you like my stories and hope you enjoy

8AmyAiko8 I made what you want and I guess that you know what I want in return

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