Chapter 23

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The next day I went to school so sad about what happened yesterday,  I drew a fake smile and continued my day normally,  luckily Ayato didn't try to talk to me so that is good,  I sat next to Sora,  then Naoko asked me to sit beside him but I said " no sorry maybe later ", after he went I talked with Sora, and she was acting strangely,  I don't know why,  and when I ask her,  she change the subject,  I felt so weird, then in the break I asked her one more time but she didn't answer so I became angry , I even said " if she didn't answer I will cut my friendship with her " I know that I can't do that but I was trying to make her afraid,  anyway she said " OK but you can't stop me "

" What do you mean?! " I asked

" Actually I have another plan that you 100% won't agree about " she says and that made me uncomfortable as I know that all is Sora's plans are good and I always like it but what's wrong with her

" What?! " I said

" OK first,  I will mad-" Sora was interrupted by Ayame who came and put his hand on her shoulder and then he whispered something to her ears which made her fave expressions so happy as she started jumping up and down and then she hugged Ayame and then he said " I told you"

" yeah yeah you were right and I was wrong and overreacting happy now?! " she admitted,  what I am saying Sora admitted that Ayame is right , and that she is wrong,  SORA ADMITTED THAT SHE WAS WRONG AND THAT SHE WAS OVERREACTING,  that's a big change,  I mean Sora never admit that , Are we in the end of the world?!  I guess Ayame must celebrate,anyway  Ayame said " I want my present now "

Sora blushed as a reaction and then she said " W-what present ?! I don't know what are you talking about "

" Don't make it the hard way you know that I am going to take it " he said,  I laughed a lot,  they are arguing like kids,  that is so funny, but my laugh was interrupted by Ayato and Haiah walking together in front of me and then Haiah started talking about me in a bad way, Ayato is laughing, Haiah is trying to make me cry same as we were kids but she can't,  I much stronger than that, I ignored both of them tell Haiah came to me and started calling me names,  I slapped her on her cheek,  my anger was like a Volcano, my fingers left a red mark on her cheek,  Ayato came to her and saw my fingers and turned angry as he tried to slap me but I stopped him,  I hold his hand but I couldn't do anything else his muscular body is much stronger as mine by at least ten times, in order to hide my week body in front of him I used my sharp tongue as I said " If I did a mistake so you can slap me but if you are really a good judge you will slap that bug who is standing beside you,  but since you are not a man and don't have 0.001% of man quality so you better go away before I get more angry " , of course I know that that won't scare him or even a little but I should have tried.

Ayato looked at me with a silly face ( same as I expected)  and then said " keep your stupid speech for yourself "

Then Haiah tried to open her mouth to talk but Sora stopped her as she said " What little baby are you happy now because you are under your stupid idiot boyfriend protection , I guess you are just not brave to get out, same as the little rat who is always hiding in his cave,  afraid from the cat but in your case you are afraid from the air to knock you down to ground ", I liked this reply anyway Ayato showed Sora the red eye and she shouted him a dirty look,  which made him really angry with that he forgot me and went to Sora to hit her but Ayame pushed her behind him which made me somehow happy and then the two guys fought together and me,  Haiah and Sora was watching,  Sora was worried about Ayame and Haiah was so cold,  I mean I was worried about Ayato more than her , anyway after a little action and drama the headmaster cane and stopped the fight but of course this didn't stop the drama,  anyway Sora went to Ayame and hugged him, he was bleeding and I can also see Ayato bleeding , Haiah ran to home and acted so panicked and worried about him,  I laughed about the fact that he is so so stupid to believe her anyway , anyway I went to Ayame to check if he is OK but he is a strong man this won't affect him and I guess that Sora knows that,  because she is acting calmly,  and not panicked,  she is doing the right thing,  she is not showing that she was so so so worried about him,  I know my friend, anyway I asked Ayame whether he is fine if not and he said " fine but I will be better if your friend agreed on giving me my present " he chuckles and looked at Sora,  she hit him on his back and said " Don't use every incident for your own purpose "

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