Our Coffe Shop Part 1

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Phil had offered to help you finish packing after you went food shopping but you replied with, "I think i'm gonna go down a few pounds of frozen waffles and try to sleep them off, but I'll call you later and I'll watch you help me unpack."

"Watch me?" Phil laughed.

"Yeah, I'm gonna need a break for the next few months." You smiled at him.

"Hey," he said in a light tone. "Why not. As long as I get some waffles too."


"Call you tomorrow." He said before opening up his door.

You nodded, opening your own door. You and Phil had actually a lot in common and you could tell he really wanted to be your friend. And you felt the same way.

~Time Skip to da next day brought to you by MCR~

You groaned, sitting up in bed. You weren't used to the time change quite yet. It was completely opposite from America(I think).

You rubbed your eyes, checking your phone. You had 157 text messages. 156 from Tyler and 1 from Phil.

Why aren't you answering???
oh right. ur probs sleeping.
sorry, sorry
i miss u
call me
Y/N, call me

You were too lazy to text back so, you just decided to call Tyler back right away. "Y/N!" You didn't even get a chance to speak into the phone.


"Are you okay? Last time we talked, you were having a mental breakdown." Tyler said.

"That's called the 'stress of moving'."You stated. "It's some pretty stressful shit."

"I know. I just wanted to make sure you're okay. And it's Wednesday."


"You have to post tomorrow."


"Your welcome."

You groaned. "I'll just... skip a day. or post on Friday or Saturday or something."

He let out a sigh. "When I can I come over?"

"When your not busy..?"

"Soon." He stated


"I have to go."

"As do I. A whole day of unpacking! WOOP WOOP!"

Tyler laughed. "Love you, Y/N."

"Love you, Ty."

Heyyyyyyyyy Y/N. Want to get starbucks later??????? 2ish??????

heeeeyyyyyy Phhhiiilllllll. 2 is good. see ya there

~Time Skip brought to you by my lack of knowledge about the U.K.~

Even though it was 11, you needed a hot chocolate fix. You didn't really like coffee, but preferred hot chocolate any day.

You headed over to the coffee shop, that you made sure sold hot chocolate, a few blocks away from your flat, and yet again, walked there.

You wore black skinny jeans, black converse and a dark red t-shirt.

You spotted the coffee shop and started to walk quickly towards it. Just as you put your hand on the handle to open the double glass doors, someone knocks into you, and you fall onto the ground.

"Oi! I'm so so sorry." It was a man's voice. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him kneel down beside you. You had fallen on your ass but were now laying on your back. "I didn't see you! Sorry!"

"What is it with people 'not seeing me'? I'm not that short." You complained. The man held out his hand for you to grab to help you up. You accepted and he pulled you up.

You looked up at the man. He had dark brown hair, parted to the side. He was wearing black jeans, black shirt, and a black leather jacket. "Are you okay?"

"Fine. Are you blind?" You asked, looking into his deep brown eyes.

"No- I'm sorry... I was just-" He stopped, cocking his head at you, as if he was finally getting a good look at you. "Are you... (youtube name)? My friend said you just moved in next door."

You took a deep breath, dusting your butt off, suddenly feeling bad about what you just said. "Yes I am. Your Phil's flat mate?"

"Yeah. Sorry- I'm Dan." He said awkwardly. He was tall. You had to look up at him.

"I'm Y/N. And it's okay." You opened the door for him. "Coffee?"

He smiled, exposing his white teeth and cute little dimples on both his cheeks. "Thanks."

You waited behind Dan in line. He kept turning his head to look at you. He seemed very awkward but in a cute way. You didn't know how to describe it- it's complicated.

You tried to avoid eye contact, noticing the song playing softly over the speakers. Just One Yesterday by the band Fall Out Boy.

"So- uh..." He began. "What kind do you usually get?"

"Coffee? Oh I uh- I don't like coffee."

"You don't like coffee?! You mad woman." He shook his head, sarcastically.

"I'm sorry I crushed your hopes and dreams." You told him, giving him the lip and used your finger to make a fake tear roll down your cheek. "Here lies Dan's hopes and dreams."

He laughed. "RIP." I smiled at him. "So, why are you here- at a coffee shop- if you don't actually like coffee?" He had this goofy grin on his face, making you blush. You just wanted to poke your finger into his dimples, they were so cute.

"I heard they have hot chocolate here." You wiggled your eyebrows at him for no apparently reason, but he laughed.

He walked up to the cashier, ordered a black coffee, that's just his style; black everything apparently, and a medium hot chocolate.

You didn't process what he was doing until he turned around and handed you the cup. You gasped. "Dan!"

He raised a confused eyebrow. "What?"

"How dare you?!" You were being sarcastic.

He smiled. "It was only four pounds."

You still didn't really get the the difference from money to pounds, but it didn't seem like much the way he said it. "That's a whole four pounds that you could have used some other way!"

"It's fine, Y/N." He said, holding out the coffee container to you.


"Shut up and take the stupid cup." He laughed, shoving it in your face.

You took it and glared at him. "I'm going to get you back one way or another." And that's when you realized you both were holding up the line.

Yayayayayayaya!!! Daniel!!! Alright, well, there he is. Idk how long these chapters are gonna be so just stay with me! Thanks. Lol. And yeah, sorry if you do like coffee but this was all I could think of so... ya, deal with it, sorry, love ya! And Fall Out Boy is great band👌🏻 Look it up😂 okay bye, updating more later!


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