Date Night Part 2

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Dan stood at the bathroom door, clearly waiting for you. "Oh- uh- Y/N, are you alright?"

You nodded, still feeling the blush on your face. "Great."

"I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not." He tells you, smiling, dimples and all. God, he's adorable.

You smile lightly. "No, for real. I'm okay."

He smiled slightly, looking relieved. "I ordered you pasta because that was the first thing that was on the menu." He said grasping his hand in yours as you walked back to your booth.

"Thanks, that's fine." You both sat down again. "Plus I took an anxiety pill so, things might get a little crazy!" You warned. He laughed at you. "Thanks for everything, Dan. I know I'm a pain and this is so ridiculous and stupid."

"It's not stupid." He says, concern in his eyes. "It's an actual fear and I get it. It's alright. I-" He stopped himself and smiled.

You almost said it.

I love you

But you waited too long, Dan pulled out his phone and had his camera on you. "Spell your name backwards in seven seconds, go!"

~One pasta meal later~

"You're seriously going to get dessert?" You asked, a grin on your face.

"Yes, I am." He smiled back, flipping through the menu.


"Nice ringtone." Dan grins, the blush on his face deepening.

You smiled lightly. "It reminded me of us... Don't mind how cheesy that sounded."

Dan chuckled softly. You looked down at your phone to see Matt's name written across the screen. "I've gotta take this."

Dan nodded and you stood up, going into a different room with no people. "Hello?"

"Y/N. You need to come back. Jay's not doing too well." Matt sounded as if he were on the verge of tears.

"What? What happened?" Your stomach dropped.

"The surgery they performed on him didn't go as planned." He whispered, trying to stay strong. "They say he doesn't have much time left."

"Okay..." Your voice cracked. "I'm coming."

You ran out of the room and up to Dan. "I'm so so so so so so sorry, Dan." You grabbed your coat and threw it over your shoulders.

"What's happening?" He stood up, concern washing over his face.

"I have to go." You mumbled, about to run away but Dan grabbed your shoulders and stopped you.

"What's going on? Are you alright? Who was on the phone?" He rapidly asked.

"Dan." You stopped him. He looked deep into your eyes, searching for answers. "My father's dying."

~One trip to the airport in a taxi later, brought to you by dat FOB ringtone~

"I'm coming with you."

"No, Dan!" You finally snapped. "I'm going alone. I'll call you, alright?"

He hesitated before nodding, deciding not to make you more upset than you already were. "Alright."

He hugged you, stroking your hair. "I'm so sorry." He whispered into your ear.

You nodded, pulling away, refusing to cry in front of him. "I have to go." You mumbled.

He kissed your forehead. "Bye."


~One plane ride later~

"Matt, I'm here!" You ran up to him, about to embrace him before he stopped you.

"No time, your the last one he wanted to see. Just go." He practically pushed you into Jay's room.

After he closed the door, you slowly turned around. Jay laid in the bed looking pale faced and sickening. He turned his head to look at you after Matt had closed the door.

A small smile grew on his face. "Y/N." he said in a weak, but happy sounding voice.

"Hey, Jay." You say lightly, walking to sit at the foot of his bed.

"H-how is England treating you?" He asked.

How could he be having a casual conversation when he's about to die?

"Um... alright." You whisper, avoiding eye contact, even though he's trying to keep it.

"Don't worry about me." He finally says. "I'll be fine. And don't worry about your dad. He just wants you to be happy."

You nod, thinking that what he said about dad wasn't true, but you didn't want to complain now.

"I'm serious." He says, coughing. "He just wants what's best for you. So, don't try to fight too much?"

You laughed, tears filling up in your eyes. "Okay." You mumbled.

"Matt says you met someone?"

"His names Dan." You say, lightly, looking out the window into the dark night.

"Too bad I won't be able to meet him. I'm sure he's a good man."

A few tears leak out at that. He'll never meet Dan. He'll never meet the only person I think I'd ever fall in love with after the incident.

You nod. "He's brilliant."

He smiles lightly, his eyes fluttering. "You're a good kid, Y/N. And don't tell me you're not a kid. Because your still my sweet little daughter in my eyes."

You smile, finally working up the courage to look into his eyes. Those deep green eyes with gold lining hold beautiful stories behind them.

He taught you how to play America's National Anthem on the piano.

When you said you didn't want to go to college, that you'd become a youtuber, he bought you a camera.

When you broke the tv by throwing the remote at it, he blamed himself to protect you.

He was fired from his job just because they wouldn't let him take the day off work to come see your piano recital, but he came to see you anyways.

When you told your family you were moving to London, England, he gave you a box of tea and told you to get used to the taste.

He knew something was bugging you when no one else could see it.

He stopped you from committing suicide.

He was there when no one else was...

"Stay strong, Y/N." He patted your leg before leaning back, his eyes fluttering closed.

"I love you." You sniffled, tears streaming down your face.

"I love you too..."




"Time of death, 11:46pm."

Well, that was sad. I'm sorry... um so, the 'incident' that's something to remember, y'all. Right, well, I'm logging off for a fews days so I won't be updating in the next few days. Thanks for reading and understanding, love ya fanfic readers!!


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