Dinner With Da Fam

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(Dan POV)

Tyler walked in late, just two minutes after Phil and I brought Y/N back inside. We were now all(Phil, Y/N, Tyler and I) hiding in a small room that had food laid out on a long table, a coffee machine and a fridge.

"So, I've heard you've been filling in my life for me while I'm living in London." Y/N told Tyler, sitting on the counter.

"Maybe..." Tyler stuffs a cookie in his mouth to prevent from further explanation.

"I've also heard that you've taken my spot in at the dinner table." She continues.

"If it makes you feel better, I do talk about you." Tyler says through the chewed cookie.

Y/N rolled her eyes. "So much better." She says sarcastically and I smirk.

"Hey, we'll have two more people at the table tonight." Tyler says, wiggling his eyebrows at me and Phil. "Get ready."

"It can't be that bad, guys." Phil says, leaning against the table.

Tyler and Y/N exchange a glance before staring at us like we were crazy. "What?" I ask, out of pure confusion.

"Sure, it's okay, if your Mr. Normal. But we're us." Y/N informs us.


"Why do you think my dad and I get in fights all the time? And my family is strict, they judge us."

"... You'll see." Tyler answers, taking a sandwich from the food table.


It was two days later. Phil, Y/N and I have been hiding out in her room ever since the memorial, and her dad yelled at her for making a 'scene' during her speech when Phil and I had to bring her outside.

I had a few choice words to say to him, but Y/N nor Matt would let me say them. They had said all Y/N and her dad ever do is fight, so it wasn't anything unusual. Even though it still ticked me off.

Eventually Y/N's grandmother made us come down to dinner and we weren't aloud to argue with her.

There was ten people at the long table, all sitting around loads of food. The whole scene was just loud. It was her grandpa, grandma, aunt Tina, uncle Bob, her dad, cousin Dave, cousin Ann and Matt.

Y/N looked at Matt with pleading eyes and he waved us over to the empty seats next to him. We ran over and quickly sat down next to him. "Thanks." Y/N whispered to her brother.

She sat next to him, I sat next to her with Phil on the other side of me at the end of the table.

"You have no idea." He shook his head.

"What do mean?" Y/N asked, still whispering, but I could hear them.

"Well, you haven't been living in this house for... eight years now? Ever since you went to college, they've been living here for as long as you were gone. I don't even remember half of their names."

"Shut up." Y/N smacked his arm lightly and smiled. "How does dad feel about all this?"

Matt shrugged. "He doesn't say much."

"He didn't say anything when we got here. The first time he talked to me was to yell at me. Didn't even say hello." Y/N said, getting a scoop of mashed potatoes on her plate.

"He will. He does miss you when you're away. He just... doesn't like expressing his feelings."

"Why? That doesn't make any sense." She shook her head.

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