She's okay...?

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(Your POV)

It wasn't until I was almost unconscious did I find my phone and click on the emergency call button.

I threw my phone across the room before he could get to it to stop the call.

My phone hit the wall, shattering into a million pieces. It was the only time I felt relieved about breaking my phone, because I knew someone was coming to help me.

I blacked out for most of it after that. But I do remember the ambulance rushing in as he was kicking the shit out of me...

(Dan POV)

Phil finally came back after about an hour and a half. He looked better. More relaxed. He sat down next to me and stared at his feet. "You okay?"

He looked up at me and nodded. "Yeah... Sorry."

I shook my head. "It's okay."

"Are you okay?" He asked.

I nodded. "Where'd you go?" I ask, my voice a bit shaky from crying all that time.

"They have a garden in the back. This nurse came up to me and-" He stopped and was looking somewhere behind me.

"What?" I turn around to see Matt who had just ran into the front doors, talking with the nurse at the desk.

"Matt!" I yelled, getting his attention. He looked over at me, said something to the nurse, which I'm assuming was thanks.

He quickly walked closer and I could see his eyes were red and puffy from crying. Probably just how I looked now.

"Hey," He says, almost a whisper.

"Hi," Phil says, calmly.

"What else did they say about her?" He asks, sitting down next to Phil where the clipboard used to be.

"They won't tell us anymore until she's out of surgery." I inform him, leaning my elbows on my knees to look over at him.

He nods, sitting back in his chair. "Oh- and here." Phil hands him the clipboard. "They gave it to me and I filled it out to the best of my abilities."

Matt smiles, taking the clipboard. "Thanks Phil."

Phil nods and we all sit there in silence for another two hours...

~two ours later, brought to by my best friend who is taller than both Pete Wentz and Patrick Stump~

The nurse from earlier walks in and smirks at me. I raise an eyebrow at her and she walks up to us, so I stand. As did Phil and Matt.

"Y/F/N's family?" She asks.

I nod.

"That's us." Matt says. "Is she okay?"

"She's alright. Room 205, to the left. She's sleeping. Doctor Shems will meet you in there." The nurse tells us before walking away.

We all turn to look at each other. "You guys go," Matt tells us. "I've gotta hand these forms in."

"You sure?" Phil asks. "We can wait for you."

"No, it's okay. I'll met you there."

Phil and I don't argue with him as we part our ways. I began walking faster down the hall, and then I'm running. "Dan! Slow down!" Phil laughs, running to catch up.

We get to room 205 and her door is closed. I stand there, staring at the number, suddenly feeling scared.

"Dan." Phil nudges me.

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