Life or Death

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VIOLENT TRIGGER WARNING!! I'll let you know where it stops and ends;)

(Dan POV)
My phone was vibrating next to me. I felt the slightest bit of hope. Maybe it was Y/N. But the number didn't look familiar and all hope was crushed.

"Hello?" I asked into the phone.

"Dan, It's Matt!"

My stomach dropped. Y/N probably told him what happened and he probably wants to kill me. "Hey, Matt, what's up...?" I try to sound casual.

"Y/N was in an accident."

And then my heart stopped.

"W-what?" I question, my hands beginning to shake.

"I guess she was in a taxi and a bus hit the side of it, and she was in an accident and is hurt badly. They called me and I told them I wasn't there, but I'm waiting in line to get on the plane now. I told them you were coming." He sounded calm, trying not freak me out.

"Oh my god," I could barely breath. I stood up quickly, smacking Phil in the arm to stand up. "Okay, I'm on my way."

"Ow! What's wrong? What are you doing that for?" Phil asks, retracting his arm away from my hand.

"Y/N was in a car accident, we need go to the hospital." I inform him.

"Oh my god." He jumps from the couch, obviously shaken up by the news, almost as much as I am. "We need hurry."

~One trip to the hospital later, brought to you do the double decker bus~

We get to the hospital and both Phil and I run through the entrance.

We stop once we get inside and look around. Phil points out a desk with a nurse sitting behind it. "There."

I nodded and fast walked up to the desk. "WerehereforYNshewasinanaccidentissheokay??"

"Um... Excuse me?" The lady asked, a confused look on her face.

"Hi," Phil takes over. "We're here for Y/F/N, she was in a taxi accident."

She nods, looking down at her computer. "I'm sorry but she's still in the emergency care unit and won't be taking any visitors at this time, but you can fill out these forms and take a seat in the waiting room." She explains, handed Phil a clipboard and a pen.

"But is she okay?" I ask, desperately.

"I don't know." She answers, glaring at me.


"Dan," Phil put his hand on my shoulder. "Calm down. I'm sure she's fine." I don't know who he's trying to convince more, me or himself.

The lady takes a deep breath, like she's used to this. Duh, Dan, she probably is.

"I can check but I can't be sure." She answered.

I take a deep breath, relaxing my tense shoulders a bit. "Okay thanks."

And Phil drags me to the waiting room.

Trigger warning starts here:
(Your POV)

"Come here!" He shouted.

I had scrambled away, blood dripping down my face, pain aching from every part of my body as I tried to escape his flat.

My vision was blurred, my head was pounding, everything was spinning.

I was running/crawling, trying to get away from him. Far, far away, as fast as I could.

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