Hello, AmazingPhil

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It was snowing out. Snowing. All of your shit in the boxes were soaked. As you walked up to your new apartment building, you slipped across the ice on the stairs, spraining your ankle. Once you finally made it to your flat, you went for the door knob. It was locked. And you didn't have a key.

You leaned up against the door and slid down it, sitting in front of your door, leaning against it, feeling like a total utter failure.

You heard a door from behind you swing open. My new neighbors, I guess.

You didn't look up. You didn't acknowledge the person in any way. Just sat there.

"Um..." It was a man's voice. "Excuse me... do you need some help?"

"No thank you." You said, face smushed against the door.

"You sure? You look like you've had a pretty crappy day."

"I said no thank you!" You spoke louder.

"Okay... nice to meet you... I guess." And with that, the man walked away.

You groaned, frustrated and pulled out your phone.



"How's London?!"

~Time Skip~

You were unpacking your dvds, cds and games, when you realized you didn't have Mario Kart with you. You had left it back in America, a whole plane ride away.

"Shhhhiiiittttttt..." You groaned out loud. If you don't get your daily dose of Mario Kart for at least one hour a day, you seriously might die.

You decided to take a break from packing and look up the nearest gaming store.

Okay, what the hell, there was one a few blocks down from your flat, so you decided to strap on your black converse, throw on your brown leather jacket and walk.

~Time Skip~

You looked down at your feet. You had blue skinny jeans on and a black loose tank top, along with the jacket. (Sorry if you wouldn't normally wear that kind of stuff, just fill what ever you want in)

You it made to the store, practically running over to the aisles, skimming each section.

Once you saw the game, you ran towards it, and grabbed it. Only to be stopped by someone else's hand that had gone for it at the same time.


"Oh!" You both said at the same time. And then you both let go, watching the game fall to the floor.

You both stared at it before looking up at each other. It was a man. He had dark, blue skinny jeans on with with a dark blue shirt that had white stars on it. He had really nice black hair that was parted to the side and came down to a point on his forehead.

"I'm sorry! I didn't see you!" He told you, concern filling his beautiful baby blue eyes. You had to look up at him he was so tall.

"Oh, no, I'm sorry too! I didn't see you either!" And then, if planned, you both broke out into a fit of laughter.

"I'm Phil."

"I'm Y/N." He held out his hand for a handshake, for which you happily accepted.

Your usually really antisocial and scared to talk to people outside of the internet world. But for some reason, you felt like he was different.

"Aren't you (Youtube Name) and my new neighbor?" He asked curiously.

"So you already know me. And yeah, sorry about that. Crazy day." You smiled at him.

"No, it's okay. I recognized the back of your head." He smiled back, laughing. You laughed too.

"I recognized your voice." You told him.

"Yeah. You're funny. On your youtube channel, I mean. I have a youtube channel too. AmazingPhil."

"Ohhh!!!" You said nodding, pointing your finger. "Yeah, um, my friend Tyler- well, Tyler Oakley, knows you, right?"

"Yeah, we did a few videos together." He nodded.

"Yeah. You're funny too."

"Thanks." He smiled.

You reached down, picked up Mario Kart and held it out for him to take. "Oh- uh- here."

"No, it's okay, you have it."

"Phil, there's more than one." You pointed to the shelf.

"Oh right." He smiled, taking the game. "I forgot."

You both headed for the cashier when Phil turned to you. "I'm sorry- but... didn't you live in America?"

"Oh! Yes! I do. Well, I did. I'm from England, but grew up in America- which you probably already know-" He nodded his head. "But I just decided to move back... Be on my own..." You turned to him and looked into his eyes. "It's complicated."

He nodded like he totally understood. "Is this your first time to London?"

"Yes... well, since I was three."

"Maybe I can show you around some time, if you like. My flatmate, Dan. Or danisnotonfire, has been a big fan of yours."

"aw, really?" You blushed at the thought.


"Yeah, that'd be fun. But, right now I have to go to the grocery store because I have absolutely no food in my flat whatsoever."

"I'll go with you, if you don't mind. It's my day to get groceries."

"Yeah, sure. You can show me what to get, what not to get, how pound's work instead of American money." Phil laughed at that, but I was serious.

Hey, Phil, WOOP WOOP! Alright, I do plan on updating regularly(everyday) but ya know, sometimes it could go sideways. lol. Anyways, I plan on Dan being in the next chapter. Thanks!


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