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(Dan POV)

"Who are you calling?" Phil asks.

"F/N." I answered, not taking my eyes off my laptop.

"What about?" He asked. "Isn't she still trying to work out her devorce?"

We were back at home, sitting on the couch in the lounge. Y/N was really sad and every time I tried to ask her about her dad, she'd crack a joke and I was really starting to worry about her.

I couldn't answer his question because... "Hello?"

"Hey, F/N. It's Dan."

"Oh- hey Dan. What's up?"

"Did Y/N tell you about Beebo yet?" I ask, hesitantly.

"Actually, Pj did, but yeah." She answered.

"And you're okay with it?" I asked.

"Well, I'm not against it." She answered.

"Do think she's okay...? Y/N. I mean. She's not exactly a 'rule breaker' with getting a dog she can't have here in first place." I said.

"I think she's just trying to cope. Get her mind off of it by taking over a responsibility." F/N simply explains, but it feels so much more complicated than that.


"I remember when her mom died, she wouldn't let anyone know she was sad about it. So she tried distracting herself and brought home a bunny to take care of. Her dad was so pissed... That's just what she does. She doesn't like to face the emotions, more just push it down or try to replace them with something else."

"Oh... right. Um... thanks. I was just worried." I say, running my hand through my hair.

"Don't be. It's just how she rolls. She'll get herself back on her feet. She bounces back like that."

"You don't think she feels alone?" I ask.

"Well... I don't know. I try to talk to her, Dan. I really do. But she covers it up with jokes and funny remarks."

"She does that with me too. Why won't she get that we're here for her?"

"Because she didn't have anyone there when she was growing up."

That hit me like a wave made of bricks.

"She's used to being alone and handling her problems on her own. She doesn't know how to express her feelings to other people because she couldn't for so many years." F/N explained.

"Thanks for telling me." I whispered.

"Don't tell her I told you." She suddenly says.

"I won't. But I'm going to try and talk to her."

"Your not gonna get very far, but please, be my guest." F/N answers.

"Alright... thanks F/N."

"No problem. Bye, Dan."

"Bye." And I hung up.

"Dan? What's wrong?" Phil asked, looking up from his computer. I didn't realize tears were running down my face until Phil said something.

"She's not okay, Phil."

(Your POV)

"Where's Phil?" You ask, plopping yourself down in a chair. You had just arrived at D&P's place after Dan texted you to see if you wanted to come over.

"At the store." Dan answered, looking up from his laptop.

"So we're not gonna watch Anime?" You ask, frowning at him.

He smiled lightly. "No, not today." He shut his laptop.

You huffed. "Food?"

"Food." He agreed.

You were down in the kitchen, Dan sitting, and you standing as you both ate Phil's cereal. "For pay back." Dan had said.

"You two and your cereal." You shook your head, smiling.

"Hey, Y/N? Can I ask you something?"

You looked up at him, chewing. "Shoot."

"Are you okay?"

"I have a question. Why does everyone keep asking me that?"

"Were just worried about you." Dan says, concern filling his eyes.

You took a deep breath, spinning your spoon around in the cereal. "I'm fine."

"Stop saying you're fine!" Dan snapped and you jumped at his sudden outburst. "Because you're not. Y/N, you don't have to do this alone! You don't have to go through this alone! Me, Phil, F/N, Tyler, Matt, Louise... Were all here for you. I don't want you to feel alone."

You were flabbergasted(love dat word).You stood there in shock for a second. "Dan," you finally say. "You have to understand that I take care of my own shit my own way. That's just how I handle things."

"I know! I know! But i'm here. And I want you talk to me. It hurts me that you're hurting. And I want to know your okay!" He pushed.

"I'M FINE!" You argued.

"Then why the hell would you go out and buy a dog?! WHEN YOU'RE NOT EVEN ALOUD TO HAVE ONE IN THE BUILDING?!" He fought back. You were both screaming at each other and you were close to breaking out into tears. You've never fought before.

"I... I-! I DON'T KNOW." You stutter. "I don't know. Happy? I don't know. Yeah, I know. Im messed up." You grabbed your coat and headed for the door. "Bye."

(Dan POV)

She grabbed her coat from off the table and walked down the stairs. I sat there for a minute, feeling stupid and angry and hurt. But mostly stupid.

I got up and ran down the stairs. Y/N had just slammed the door but I opened it again and grabbed her wrist before she could walk outside.

"Where are you going?" I ask, sympathetically.

She turns around and rips her arm from my grip. "I'm going for a walk." She mumbles, turning the other way and I realize she just wants to be alone.

She walks out the building and I watch her. She doesn't look back. Then she waves down a taxi and gets inside. "I'm sorry." I mumble, watching the taxi pull away.

(Your POV)

"Where to?" The driver asks.

Your head is spinning and your thoughts are so overwhelmed, you can't say anything.

"Ma'am?" The driver says. "Where to?"

"Um..." You stutter and say the first thing that pops into your mind. "221B Baker Street."

And your off. You sit there, hands in your pockets, staring out the window. You feel anxious and want to scream, but you keep quiet, deep in thought.

All of the sudden, as the veical is about to turn, the driver hits the breaks, forcing you to lean forward. "YOU MOTHER-" He beeps the horn.

You look back out the window to see what's happening when a double decker red bus, slams into the side of the taxi.

And then there was darkness.

(3rd Person POV)

The bus collided with the taxi, sliding it off the road, rolling it over twice before landing in a ditch.

The bus was hanging off the side of the road, people inside screaming and calling for help.

The taxi below remained still and who ever was in it was either unconscious or dead.

No more than three minutes later do people hear loud sirens, and before they knew it, police cars and ambulances show up, running into the scene.

DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNN!!! In honor of Phil's birthday, I leave you on a cliff hanger. SORRY!!! LOL!!! Thanks for reading guys, I appreciate it! Laters, love  ya,


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