Where Is He, Y/N?

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L/N: Last Name

"Is it... Dans blood?" You ask, your voice in a whisper as you dare to look back down at the stained concrete.

Phil bites his lip and blinks to keep himself from tearing up. "I don't know." He whispered back.

That night you called the police who identified that it was, in fact, Dans blood. And that Dan was missing.

You and Phil stayed up all night lurking the streets and going into different buildings you could possibly find him in.

You stop in your tracks because it's cold and you're too sad and weak to continue walking. Phil stops and turns to look at you. Tears in his eyes and running down his face, just as yours looked, he stared at you.

"Phil, he's not out here." You say, barely a mumble.

Phil sniffles, and looks around. "We're not gonna find him out here. Come on, let's to the flat and call some people to ask if they know where he is."

Your voice is shaking and you don't want to give up but you know looking around on the bare streets isn't going to help.

Phil doesn't look at you. In fact he looks anywhere but you. You walk up to him and wrap your arms around his cold body.

He squeezes you back as he puts his head down on your shoulder and sobs into it.

You rub his back as you begin to sob into his chest.

"Where is he, Y/N?"

"I wish I knew, Phil."

You both went back to the flat and stayed up all night contacting everyone you knew, including Dans family who was coming over right away in the morning.

You and Phil didn't sleep at all that night. You didn't even leave the kitchen. You both were on and off the phone with so many people.

Some how the Internet found out and there's the #finddan2k17 tag going around and everyone's really sad and worried for him. Just as you and Phil were.

You cried to each other, hugged each other, and ate burritos while sobbing together.

And, when there were no more tears left, you and Phil begin to make a missing persons poster to hang all around London. And then you'd cry some more.

Tyler was even flying out tomorrow to come to London to do whatever he could to help.

Beebo could sense you were feeling extremely sad, so he sat in your lap, and put his head on your thigh and hasn't moved since you've gotten home.

Soon, F/N came out of her room. "Hey," She mumbled, arms crossed, as she slowly walks into the kitchen.

"Couldn't sleep?" Phil asks her, his voice distant and sad.

F/N nodded, rubbing her nose. "Hungry? I'll make mac and cheese."

"I'm not hungry." You shook your head.

"Neither am I." Phil says.

"Well, too bad. I'm making you both eat because I know how you too get and you have to eat something. This is about Dan. Not you two."

You and Phil agree right away, and all three of you ended up eating three bowls each.


When the clock strikes 6:00 in the morning, you tell F/N and Phil you're going to take a shower before Dans family comes at 8:00.

Beebo followed you into the bathroom, which made you smile sadly at him. "Beebo, you hate taking baths." You joke.

Before you know it, a sobbing mother is at your door with her grieving husband and son. It's almost like he- Dan- is dead. At least it's how it feels.

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