Video Chat

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Tyler clapped his hands together. When he brought his hand back, he hit you in the nose, causing you to flinch. "Hello, my people!"

"Ow!" You laughed, holding your nose. "You just smacked me in the nose when you clapped."

"Oh, sorry." He began laughing. He rubbed your nose and smiled at you. "Better?"


"Let's take it back."

"Repress it! Yep! Before I start crying, let's wrap this shit up!"(you knew it was coming)

"You need to stop doing that!" Tyler laughed, hitting you in the arm.

You laughed, poking his stomach. He flinched, slapping your arm away. "She just misses Dan."

"I do, can I not?"

"No, you can. Oh my gosh... Anyways, the number one best friends are reunited!" Tyler smiled, wrapping his arms around you in a tight hug.

And that's when the door swung open and your Aunt Tina stood there, staring at you with huge bugged out eyes.

You gulped. "Aunt A," Both you and Tyler quickly stood up and faced her. "It's not what it looks like."

A light and camera both facing a bed, you and Tyler were sitting on. I get it, it looked bad. "It's for our Youtube thing!" Tyler tried. "Our videos."

"What?!" She shirked.

"No, it's not like that. We were just gonna play a game."

"A card game." Tyler jumped in.

"And film it. The card game." You finished.

Aunt Tina's face was flushed. She gulped, slowly closing the door, not saying anything as she left.

You died a little inside, hiding your head in your hands as you let out a long, loud sigh of frustration. "That went well." Tyler said, after a few moments of silence.

"Oh, yeah." You nodded, glaring up at him. "Real well." You took another deep breath. "Your house?"

"Yes, please."

~Time skip, brought to you by Dan and Phil talking about that^happening all the time~

For the next two days, you and Dan weren't able to call each other. When you were free, he was busy. When you were busy, he was free. There was only small texts in between.

Although it only lasted two days, it felt like a lifetime.

"Help me with shoveling , Y/N. I know you can't do much because your accident, I just need you out there with me." Uncle Bob said, throwing on his jacket.

(Like I said earlier, you can't say no to uncle B). "Alright. I'll be right there, I'll get my coat."

You ran upstairs and into your room. You glanced at your laptop and noticed Dan was trying to facetime you.

You grabbed your computer, some headphones, ran into the bathroom and locked the door behind you.

You sat on the closed toilet seat and shoved your earbuds in. "Y/N!!!!!!"

"DAN! OH MY GOD, AHHHH!!" And then you realized you should probably keep your voice down.

"I miss you too." He smiled warmly, chuckling softly. You smiled back, feeling relieved to finally talk to him. "I feel like I haven't seen you in years."

"You don't look a day over thirty." You joked.

Dan laughed, shaking his head. "I'm not even gonna establish that as an insult, it's just good to hear your voice."

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