I Didn't Lose Hope

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(Your POV)

"Shh shh shh, I'm not gonna hurt you." A warm hand was placed on your cheek and you let your head rest against it.

You fluttered your eyes, not used to the light that was suddenly shining in the room. "You're gonna be okay."

You lifted your head to look around. The chair that Dan was tied to was there, but he wasn't. You looked down at yourself as two people were untying your wrists.

"Where's Dan?" You mumble, your voice hoarse and your throat dry.

"He's okay. He was taken away in an ambulance, just as you are, okay?" You squinted your eyes up at the tall female standing above you.

Everything was a bit blurry and everything was still so bright, but you could make out her beautiful features. Her long brown hair that curled at the ends. She had bright, baby blue eyes that shined into yours as she spoke softly.

"You have a few minor injuries but nothing we can't handle. Are you feeling okay?" She asks.

Your head throbs and your body aches, but you nod your head anyways.

"Y/N!" You recognize the voice.

It's all too familiar.


"Please, give her some space, we've got to get her into the ambulance." The nice lady says, looking at something across the room.


They lay you out on a stretcher and you don't quite know what's happening anymore.



"Yeah, Y/N, it's me."

(Phil POV)

F/N and I sat in the back of the bald guys police car. I felt bad that I kept calling the police officer 'the bald guy.' I should really figure out his name.

"Excuse me officer...?"


I couldn't tell if that was a joke or if it was really his last name, so I just went with it.

"Right... Um, where exactly are we going?" I awkwardly scratched my head, looking at him through the rear view mirror.

"Brain James William's rental home." The officer answered, taking a left turn.

"And they're... in his basement?" F/N asks hesitantly.

"From what evidence has shown us, yes. Y/N L/N and Dan Howell are locked in the basement." Officer Balding replies, glancing at us in the mirror.

The car ride seemed to take a million years. I was scared and nervous. I'm just hopping and praying Y/N and Dan aren't hurt.

We pulled up to a small, pretty crap looking building that had a red RENTAL sign in the window. "Stay here." Balding told us, raising his gun from his pocket.

About eight armed officers walked slowly and quietly into the apartment, as five of them waited out here with us, also armed.

"Put your hands above your head! Anything you say or do can and will be held against you(SO ONLY SAY MY NAME, IT WILL BE HELD AGAINST YOU)!" I hear an officer scream.

(Fall Out Boy reference sorry^)

They rest of it was a scary, blurry mess. I remember Brain in handcuffs, trying to squirm is way out of the officers hands, but he wasn't strong enough.

I remember a woman with long, brown hair, bright blue eyes, and a glowing yellow vest that read the word EMERGENCY on the back, take my hand and lead F/N and I into the basement of the apartment building.

Dan was already being placed on a stretcher. He had a dark, purple bruise just below his eye that was beginning to yellow. His lip was busted and blood ran down his chin. There was cuts along his forehead and cheeks.

I bit my lip as they pulled him away. His eyes were closed, yet he still looked in pain. "Don't worry." A man with a yellow vest told us. "He's going to be okay."

As they carried Dan away, F/N turned to look at Y/N who was tied to a wooden chair. The people in the vests began untying her and she opened her eyes.

I guess both F/N and I were in shock that this was happening to our friends because we didn't do anything at first besides watch Y/N and the nice lady talk.

"Y/N!" F/N senses kicked in, bringing me back to reality as well.

"Y/N!" I yelled too.

"Please, give her some space, we've got to get her into the ambulance." The nice lady says to us. Y/N begins fluttering her eyes and I'm afraid she'll black out.

"Y/N?" I mumbled, tears running down my cheeks as they lift her onto the stretcher. "Y/N?" I ask again.

"Phil?" She blinks rapidly as she stares up at me from her laying down position.

"Yeah, Y/N, it's me." I grinned down at her.

She smiled back, although I could still see the pain on her face. And then she blacked out.

(Dan POV)

*beep... beep... beep...*

Hey, so I am alive.

After Brain beat the fucking hell out of me... I was sure I was dead. Or at least that's how it felt. The pain mixed with sadness at hearing him beat Y/N and not being able to do anything about it... It was actual hell.

I've never witnessed anything worse in my whole entire life.

I remember waking up the hospital, thinking I was dead.

When I asked if I was alive, my mum cried into my dad and my brother had explain to me what happened.

Before I could ask about Y/N, the nurse walked in and gave me a few shots and I was out like a light... again.

(Your POV)

Realizing you were in the hospital and not dead was some sort of miracle.

That was Hell and now you're back. I've been to Hell and back.

Your brother and dad surrounded you, but you didn't have anything to say. And neither did they. They were happy you were okay, but sometimes all you need is the presence of someone to ease the pain.

You took a deep breath, finally working up the courage to ask the big question. The question you've been dying to ask since you woke up.

"Is Dan okay?"

"Dan is perfectly fine."

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