Mail, Baking, and Scary Video Games

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Y/S/N: Your Ship Name. I'm sorry, I keep getting lazier😂


What? Did Johnlock finally happen?? I didn't think it was cannon.

NO!!! I wish!!! But no. You and Dan! My two best friends! (Y/S/N)!

Worst ship name ever

I like it

AWWW!!! you ship us??

Duh. Ever since Dan has opened his mouth about you.

You blushed

Thanks Phil


Thursday. Mail day. Today, you actually got dressed because you had to make a video. You grabbed your coat and quickly walked down the stairs.

You heard the door behind you open, just after you closed it. You turned around to find Dan. "We really have to stop meeting like this." You joked.

He laughed, wrapped his arm around your waist and kissing you on the lips. He was warm and his lips were soft.

"Good morning to you too." You said when he pulled away.

"Want to come over?" He asked. "Phil wants to watch this new Anime series and I was wondering if you'd want to watch it with us."

"I'd love to watch anime at the Lester/Howell residence, but I have to do a video today and edit... And then edit one of Tyler's videos because he needs help with the new update or something." Dan laughed, you rolled your eyes at the thought of Tyler needing help editing. "But tomorrow do you and Phil wanna help me do a baking video? And then we could watch Anime?"

"Sure." He smiled at you. "I'll text you."

"Sure thing, Daniel."

~Time Skip to the next day, brought to you by me, still waiting for my D&P phone case in the mail~

There was a knock at your door. You were standing on a chair, trying to get your camera at a good angle for the baking video.

"Come in!" You yelled, assuming it was Dan and Phil. You were right, thank god.

"Woah! Y/N! What are you doing?!" Dan ran over and practically wrapped his arms around your legs so you wouldn't fall over.

"What does it look like i'm doing?" You asked laughing, tightening a strap.

"Filming your sexy oven." Phil joked.

"Yes, Phil, because the people of youtube love to watch ovens do nothing whatsoever, for hours on end." Dan replied.

"People watch washing machines for countless hours." Phil commented. That made you laugh.

"Shut up you two and help me down." You held your arms out to Dan so he could help you down.

Once you got to the ground, he kissed the top of your head. "Next time, just wait for the giants to get here."

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