This Is Home

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F/N: Friends Name

You had finally left America after four days. It was time to go home and make a video. You couldn't do much anyways there, so why not do your job? Matt would keep you updated, and if you'd really have to, you'd fly back.

You hadn't charged your phone when you left, so there was no way to tell Dan and Phil you were on your way home.

You opened your flat door, threw your bag inside and closed the door. You turned around and walked straight into Dan and Phil's place, after all you did have a key.

"Honey, I'm home!" You yelled, walking up the many stairs.

"Y/N!" You heard Phil gasp. He came running out of the lounge, where you were just about to walk into.

"Hey, Phil!" You smiled, relief washing over your face.

It felt good to smile after all the depressing things that were happening in your life at the moment.

He wrapped your arms around you in a warm hug. "Hey," He began, pulling away. "Dan told me about your dad, i'm sorry."

You took a deep breath, giving him a weak smile. "It's alright. Thanks."

"Dan's making dinner, let's go surprise him." Phil quickly changed the subject, obviously wanting to cheer you up.

You followed him as he practically ran down the stairs. You could always count on Phil to brighten the mood of any situation, that little ray of sunshine.

You walked quickly into the kitchen to see Dan, back turned to you as he cooked over the oven.

"Whatcha making?" Phil asked, going up directly behind Dan so he wouldn't see you when he looked at Phil.

"Edible food." Dan answered with a joking smile.

"Smells good." You spoke, with a sly smile.

Dan gasped, whipping around to look at you. As soon as you lock eyes, his smile stretches from ear to ear. "Y/N!"

He practically ran up to you, wrapping his arms around you in a tight hug. "I didn't know you were coming home today!"

"I was going to text you but my phone died." You clarified, slowly pulling away to look at his face, you've missed so much.

He smiled down at you, leaning down to kiss you.

Even though you were only gone for four days, it felt like forever. You felt as if it was forever since you felt his soft lips move against yours.

You put your hand on his cheek, moving in closer. But then you hear Phil from behind Dan couch awkwardly.

Dan slowly pulled away, smirking down at you.

"Sorry, Phil." You smiled at the blue eyed boy as Dan walks back over to the stove so the food doesn't burn.

"So, how is everything?" Dan almost mumbles.

"Uh- I don't know, exactly." You shrug, looking down at your white high top converse. White shoes were always a bad idea, they looked almost yellow.

No one says anything as the boys give you sympathetic looks.

"Matt said he'll keep me updated so I could come back home." You add. They nod.

Dan removes the pan from the stove. "Dinner?"


You've avoiding hanging out with anyone-including Dan and Phil- at all that week you came back home.

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