They Know Something You Don't

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Once you got to your old room, you closed the door behind you, laid out on the floor and Skyped Dan on your laptop. "Hey, Dan." You smiled at him weakly.

"HEY, Y/N!" He beamed, a smile plastered on his face.

You waved a tiny, sad wave. You didn't realize how tired you were, or how much your family was already getting to you. "Hello."

"You okay?" He suddenly looked concerned.

You nodded. "Yeah, just tired. So much in one day."

Dan nodded and then smiled. "I miss you."

Before you could say it back, Phil popped his head in. "Hey Y/N!"

"Hello, Philip!"

"How's America? Is it... Americany..?"

"Americany?" Dan questioned his best friend, turning his head to look at him.

Phil laughed. "I couldn't think of another adjective."

"Well, it is America." You grinned. "And L.A. so hot and sticky. How's London?"

"Same as always. Dry and non-festive." Dan spoke.


After speaking to Dan and Phil for a while, Tyler came in and right away put headphones in. You two were sharing your old room for the night. You poked Ty in the back and turned the laptop towards him, he waved at the screen. "Also, look who's bunking with me tonight!"

"Hello Dan and Phil!"

"Hey, Tyler!"

~Few days later... (takin out the trash)at night~

I was on the floor in a ball, crying.

Blood ran down my cheek and my fists.

Broken glasses of liquor bottles were scattered around me, and one movement could send glass pushing into my skin, drawing even more blood.

He was yelling... again.
Screaming... again.
Hitting... again.

He was drinking this time.

He threw them at me, each bottle, one by one, smashing them. They shattered, glass flying everywhere.

More than anything I wanted him to stop...
More than anything I wanted to leave him...
More than anything... I wanted to die...

You woke up in an empty bed. Just you and your tears.

You sobbed into your pillow.

Just like every night.

Except Dan wasn't there to comfort you...

~The next day, brought to you by sad times~

"Hey, Matt." He was on the couch watching some sort of show when you sat down next to him.

"What's up?" He turned to look at you.

"Nothing much... Whatcha watchin?"

"Okay, what do you want?" He pauses the show.

"What makes you think I want something?" You pout, crossing your arms over your chest.

"Because I know that look. What do you need?"

You sighed. "I didn't get anything for the family. For Christmas. Was I supposed to? I don't even know half of these people."

"Nah, I think you're good." He shrugged.

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