He's Missing

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Bc who doesn't love a snapchat of pete wentz?^

Dan stood, throwing his jacket over his shoulders. "I'm going out to get groceries."

You jumped from the couch, suddenly feeling uneasy. "What? Your leaving?"

Dan smiled softly at you as he threw on a beanie(you know the one). "I'm just getting groceries." He assures you. "I'll be back in like a half an hour."

You bit your lip, shifting your weight from one foot to the other and nodded, still feeling queasy.

Dan stared into your eyes, his lips in a straight line as he strode up to you. "Everything's gonna be alright. Okay?" He held his hands in yours, keeping eye contact.

You bit the inside of your check until you drew blood. But you nodded anyways, knowing that you're just being paranoid.

"You've got F/N and Phil here with you." He squeezed your hands, closing the paper thin space between you two. "And Beebo."

You nodded, giving him a small smile. He smiled back, leaning down to gently press his lips against yours.

"Hey," You slowly broke away, keeping your faces as close as possible to one another. "Buy apple pie?"

Dan laughed loudly(as usual), throwing his head back but never stepping away. "Sure." He stared down at you, a wide grin plastered on his face. "If pie will make you happy."

You nodded, your eyes drifting down his face to stare at his sweet pink lips. "It does."

And he kisses you again before you break away and remind him he needs to go. "Go, before this goes any further!"

He laughs again, kissing the top of your head before heading for the door. "You're okay?" He asks as he reaches for the doorknob.

"Yeah." You nod. "Just be careful."

He nods, giving you a cheeky wink, before exiting the room and yelling, "PHIL, I'M LEAVING!"

~time skip, brought to you by the gaming video today that i haven't watched yet bc i'm frantically writing this~

"Phil, he's not answering his phone." You say as you continuously type hello, where are you, call me, answer your damn phone over and over again.

Phil shrugged, staring at you. "He probably has his phone on vibrate or something."

"He said he'd be back in a half on hour." You state, staring back at the bright blue eyed boy(bc he is a boy not a man, what he's 3 not 30, what r u talking about?).

"How long has it been?" He asks, squinting his eyes.

"Two hours."

"He probably got distracted and drifted off into another store." Phil shrugged again.

Why does he have an answer for everything?

You shook your head. "No... Why would he?"

Phil shrugged for what seemed like the hundredth time. "I don't know he's Dan... Y/N you need calm down. Everything's alright. You're getting a bit paranoid."

Your instinct was to yell at him and tell him to not tell you to calm down. But, you knew he was only trying to help you. Heck, you probably were just being paranoid.


You hadn't realized you were staring at him, clouds of emotions going through your head. "Yeah- sorry. You're right, Phil." You say, staring down at your phone before turning it off. "I'm just... yeah, i'm being paranoid."

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