Tell her, Phil

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In honor of me going to a Panic! concert tomorrow ^^^

"Oh my god, just open it, clumsy." You smile at Phil, pulling your legs up to your chest and wrapping your arms around your knees.

You're all sitting on the floor in the lounge, Beebo is sitting curled up at your side, and hasn't left your side since you've been back from America.

You had just given Dan, Phil, and Pj a gift, which was American candy's/desserts, you had promised them.

You had gotten them Twinkies, Girl Scout cookies(Tagalongs), Fluff, Hershey's and Oreos.(YEAH I LOOKED UP WHAT FOODS THEY DIDN'T HAVE IN LONDON BUT DID IN AMERICA. CALL ME CRAZY, BUT I ACTUALLY DID RESEARCH)

They all gasped, fighting over them. "Share, now, boys." You grinned at them, pointing your finger like a stern mother.

"I didn't get an Oreo!"

"I didn't get a twinkie!"


"On three?"

"You guys are ridiculous." You rolled your eyes, grinning.

"Hey, you're the one that brought the food." Dan pointed at you, smirking.

"And you're the one who asked for them." You pointed back at him.

"Actually Pj started it!" Dan pointed out. You all turned your heads to look at Pj who was staring at you all with a guilty look and a twinkie sticking out of his mouth.

You took this opportunity to take a picture of your dear friend Pj and post it on all social media.

~Time skip, brought to you by me going to a Panic! At the Disco concert tomorrow!!!!~

(Phil POV)
"Phil." Dan urged.

"I know! I know!"

"I thought you were going to tell her when she got home."

"I tried! I tried so hard! I just... I don't her to be mad at me."

"She's not going to be mad at you, Phil. She'll understand."

"Why can't you tell her what happened?"

"I wanted to!"

"Right. Sorry." I pause, looking down at my feet. "I'll go tell her now."

"Right now?" Dan questions, as if he doesn't believe me.

"Right now." I nod.

"Good luck, mate."

I roll my eyes. "Thanks, I'll need it."

~Time skip to Phil walking over to your flat~
(Your POV)

"Hey, Y/N." Phil was standing in your doorway, a small, sad, guilty looking smile lingering on his lips.

"What's up, Phil?" You asked, slightly concerned that something was wrong. "Is everything okay?"

"Oh. Um- yeah. Sort of... Can we talk?" He asks, his kind tone making you oddly worried.

"Yeah, course." You lead him into the kitchen where he sits at the bar and you lean against the counter. "You okay?"

"Y/N." Phil says, getting straight to the point. "When you were in the hospital after the accident... Dan had your phone and... your brother, Braden, called. I called F/N and asked if we should call him back. I told her we should answer it and tell him what happened to you. But she told me we shouldn't talk to him because you and him weren't exactly on good terms. And then Dan told F/N that he had a right to know, he was still your brother. And after I got off the phone with F/N, I called Braden back because I thought it's what you would have wanted. Dan agreed too, going on and on about how you could have died and never gotten to see Braden again. He kept telling us to tell you that he was sorry and that he wanted to see you..." Phil paused, taking a breath, trying to calm down from explaining it all so fast.

Your mouth went dry and you didn't know what to think. He's sorry? He wants to see me again?

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you before. Eventually we told F/N we called him back and she was angry at us. Then she explained what happened between you guys and we all decided to keep it a secret. I'm sorry, it was stupid of us to hide it from you." Phil says, looking down at his sweaty palms.

He paused for a moment, trying to let all this information sink in.

"Then you called me and told me you were fighting with Matt over the call you never received, because we hid it from you." His striking blue eyes that were filled with guilt and regret, stared up into your Y/E/C ones.

"I just felt so guilty and felt that somehow we caused your fight to happen..." He takes a deep breath, taking a break from letting everything out.

"If it makes you feel any better... Dan wanted to tell you. But F/N and I wouldn't let him. We didn't want you to get hurt... again."

You smile a bit at that. You smiled because they cared. Phil smiled back, glad that you're not mad enough to not smile at him. "Are you mad?"

"No, Phil, I'm not mad. You just thought you were doing what was right. You were protecting me... Plus Matt and I aren't fighting anymore." You smile at him, trying to hide the fact that your brother you haven't seen or contacted in eight years wants to see you again.

Phil smiles lightly. "Still. I'm sorry we kept it from you."

You shake your head. "It's alright." Tears raking at the back of your eyes.

"What do you think you'll do?" He asks quietly, as if you shouldn't be talking about it in the first place.

You shrug. "I have no idea." Your voice cracks. What am I going to do?
Contact him and forget the fact that he left us?
Pretend like everything's all good?
Because I can't. Because it's not.

"Are you okay?" He asks, his concerned look never washing away, even though he already knew the answer.

You give him a weak smile and nod.

But of course, the wonderful friend that he is, can see right through you. He shakes his head, stands up and wraps his arm around you in a friendly, comforting hug. You squeeze him back, smiling softly. It's the fact that someone(dan included) in your life actually cares about you for once.

"Thanks, Phil." You say softly.

He nods and lets go. "Wanna watch a movie?"

You smile grows brighter. "Of course !"


Hello my friends! YES, TOMORROW IM GOING TO A PANIC! AT THE DISCO CONCERT IN CHICAGO!! Comment if your going!!! Also, sorry this is late... I ALWAYS forget what days i'm posting because it's every other day and it's always different and AHHHH. Again, sorry. See y'all peeps laters. Have a great... night? Yeah- night. Bye, love you all,


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