Christmas Vacation

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Yep, Christmas. Had to put it in somewhere!

(Your POV)
"Alright, guys." You said to the camera. "I'm leaving for America for Christmas break. I figured I'd make the most out of it and vlog my whole way through it." You gave a thumbs up, as did F/N who was standing behind you.

"Y/N, the taxi is here." Dan popped his head in the room.

You turned the camera to face Dan. "Say hello, Dan!"

"Hello Y/N subscribers." He waved.

"F/N, Dan, and Phil are taking me to the airport. In a taxi. Wasn't my idea." You followed Dan out of your apartment building, F/N close behind you, to the taxi where Phil was waiting.

"Say hi, Philip!" You pointed the camera at him.

"Hi!!" Phil waved.

~one taxi cab ride later, brought to you by me not watching the new Dil video because I have to write this~

"Hey guys." You whispered to your camera. "I'm on the plane and will be landing soon."

"Truth to be told, I'm scared for Beebo staying with F/N. I mean she's, F/N, you know how she is. Can't wait for her to see this! Kidding, F/N, love you."

Just then your phone went off so you pulled it out of your pocket and glanced down at it. You sighed. "If all you dirty minded people want to know it's like to have Dan Howell as a boyfriend, here ya go." You showed them the texts.

Dan. Stop.

Right... sorry.

Dan was texting you on and on about all the ways the plane could go down. "Not what we're expecting? Yep, that's Dan."(your what happened if winnie the pooh fucked slender man... I'm sorry i had to)

"Flight 110 will be landing in two minutes. We will arrive at our destination- La, California- in two minutes." The high pitched female voice sounded over the intercom.

"Okay, guys. I've gotta go. Bye." You waved and then turned the camera off.

Landing in two minutes. I'll call you when I get a cab, ok?

be careful XD

~another cab(uber) ride later~

"Hi, Grandma."

"Ah! Y/N!" She wrapped her arms around you in a huge hug as you walked through the door. To no surprise, she was the only one greeting you at the door. "Matt! Dave! Get her bags!"

"That's okay, I only have one." You said, holding your black duffle bag.

"Only have one? What did I tell you about how a lady should pack?!"

"I just thought I'd use your washing machine." You shrugged and she smiled.

"Come in, come in."

~the trip of walking upstairs~

"Hey guys." You say tiredly. "I just got to my childhood house and now am in what used to be my room." You were laying on the bed, holding the camera up with your hands.

"I'll give y'all a tour later. Right now I'm 'unpacking' trying to make the most of being alone because after this, my family won't leave me alone and I'm not good with small talk. Why am I so extremely socially awkward???"


"Help." You whispered, giving the camera a scared look.


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