Christmas and Youtube

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You and F/N were sitting on your couch watching American Horror Story again, but weren't really paying much attention.

"I didn't even get a chance to give Dan my 'If you hurt my best friend, I'll kill you' speech!" F/N was saying.

She was talking about her video she did with Dan. Right after the video, she gets a call from her, now ex-husband, and had to quickly come get you so you could tell him off.

"I think Dan will do just fine without the speech." You told her.

"No, all boyfriends need to hear the speech. You know that." She tells you and you agree. It was just the best friend thing you always had to do. You've even done it for Tyler.

Just then, your phone starts to vibrate. You look down at it and it's your grandma calling. Your stomach drops as you get up. "I have to take this." You mumbled, leaving to your room.


"Hey, Y/N, it's grandma."

"I know, hi grandma."


"So- uh- how's Jay?" You ask, trying to get information that she clearly wasn't giving you.

"He's okay. The doctors decided to run more tests tomorrow afternoon."

You took a deep breath. "Alright. Call when you know what happens?"

"Of course." She answered softly. "So, how is London? Matt says you have a new boyfriend."

You mentally facepalm. "Oh- yeah. It's good. Different." You say, ignoring the whole boyfriend comment.

"So... what's his name?"

"Dan. But, er- grandma, could you keep this low-key? Were not really spreading the word just yet." You tell her calmly.

"How? Your whole life is that web, youthtub thing you do."

"Youtube, grandma, and were just trying to keep it a secret for a bit. See how things work out." You state.

"Well, alright. I expect much detail on this boy later! You're coming home for Christmas, then?"

"Uh..." You awkward rubbed the back of your neck. You haven't really thought about Christmas this year.


"I don't know if dad wants me back home." You confess.

"Of course he wants you home!"

You shrug even though she can't see you.

"Just because of what happened doesn't mean-"

"I know!" You snap. And then you feel bad. "I know." You took a deep breath. "Would you like me to come home?"

"I think you should come home for two weeks. Help around the house, help out with Jay." She hesitates. "This might be his last you know..."

"Don't say that." You say sternly. "Alright. I'll come home."

"Will you bring Dan?"

"No, I'm sure he's going to be with his family here in England."


"So, apparently I'm going home for christmas." You spat.


"Actually they wanted me to bring you with. But I didn't know if you had family plans or what not."

Dan groaned. "When are you leaving?"

"The fifteenth."

"When are you coming back?"

"The twenty sixth."


"We could always call each other, Dan." You laughed at him.

You could tell he was frowning. "But it won't be the same."

"I know." You took a deep breath. "How's bout the day I come back we do our own Christmas? I'll bring old Christmas classics, we could eat SO MUCH food. Sound jazzy?"

"Very jazzy." He laughed.

"Good." You smiled.

"Hey, Y/N?"

"Hola, Dan?"

"Can you... come over. I wanna talk."

Your stomach dropped. "Those, my friend, are scary words."

"What? No- I'm not breaking up with you or anything!" Dan assured you, chuckling.

You let out a breath of relief. "Hey! Don't laugh! You know those words are savage."

And he continued to laugh at you.


F/N was out at the store, buying groceries because lately, you've been lazy on your shopping and just eating D&P's food.

You walked in and headed straight for the fridge. You looked around and thought about what to eat.

"The only reason why you come over is to go through my fridge, isn't it?" Dan was behind you, leaning against the counter, arms folded, watching you.

You turned around and smiled at him. "Yep. Want anything, hobbit hair?" You asked pulling out a carton of milk. Dan clearly hadn't gotten around to doing his hair today because it was all a fluffy, curly mess.

"Nah. But help yourself." He grinned.

"I always do." You grinned back, getting a white coffee mug that had cat whiskers on it from the Dan and Phil shop. "I fancy this cup."

"Keep it. We have about twelve of them." He stopped. "Wait. Why would you have one if you practically live here?"

"My point exactly." You said, ruffling his curls. "So, you wanted to... talk."

"Come with me." You followed him up many flights of stairs to his room. You flopped down on his bed and he sat next to you.

You poked his dimple. "Stop it." He swatted your hand away, smiling.

"So..." You sat up to sit next to him. He pulled you into him and wrapped his arm around your waist. "What's up, Dan?"

He hesitated. "I want to tell Youtube about us."


You looked up at him. "Unless you're not ready yet. I just... I don't want to hide it anymore. I really like you, Y/N."

You sighed. You knew this day was coming... and honestly, what were you waiting for? A ray of sunshine to shine on the ones that don't ship, so there's no hate? Lot's won't ship and there will be hate. You knew that. It was going to happen either way. But that didn't matter. Only you two mattered. And that you were happy in your relationship. You nodded. "Okay."

"What?" Dan looked confused.

"Okay," you agreed. "Let's tell em."

Dan's face lit up. "Now?"


The camera was already set up in front of the bed. Dan went to go straighten his hair real fast while you combed through yours.

You sat on the bed next to each other. You on the right and Dan on the left. Mainly because he's a lefty.

He sucked in a breath. "You ready?"

"More than I'll ever be."

Okay, yes, I know. Christmas IS over. But, i like Christmas and it will be really short, i promise. yeah, lol. Alright, thanks for readin, spread the love,


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