Going Home

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As soon as you saw the text, your heart dropped. You quickly got out of Dan's room, mumbling something about calling your dad back.

You tried to call him back, but each time it went straight to voicemail. You went back to Dan's room, closing the door behind you so you didn't wake Phil.

"I have to go." You told him, walking across the room to get your charger and clothes.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't know..." You began taking off Dan's clothes and putting your own back on(Come on guys, I had underwear and a bra on, stop being so dirty). "He won't answer his phone. I have to go back home."

"Tonight?" Dan asked, hovering over you.

"Tonight." You jumped up and down, trying to get your jeans on.

"I'll come with you."

"You're not coming with me to California." You told him, throwing your shirt on.

"In America?"

"That's where California is."

"I'll come with you to the airport."

"What about Phil?"

"There is such thing as texting." Dan reminded you.

"You're sure?"


You nodded, Dan threw on a black shirt and kept his gray sweats on. You both headed over to your flat and you packed a black backpack with random clothes, flustered. "What do you think happened?" Dan asked.

You grabbed a brush and a pile of underwear and threw them at your bag. "I don't know... It could be my brothers in the hospital- he has leukemia- but he's in remission... but you never know. It could be my grandma. Maybe she's sick. It could be Arin- my cousin- she was just put into the mental hospital. again..."

"Again?" It was almost like Dan was afraid to ask.

"Again..." You looked at him. He was standing by your bedroom door, watching you throw things as you run around your room. "It's okay. I have a fucked up family."

He didn't say anything. You stuffed your bag with your computer charger and headphones. You handed Dan your laptop. "Order me a ticket on the next flight to L.A.?"

He nodded and you both walked into the kitchen. Dan sat at the island, booking your flight. "And a taxi?" You asked. He nodded again.

You grabbed your toothbrush and a bag of cereal. Dan looked up at you, with a teasing smile. "Cereal?"

"I'm gonna need breakfast when I get there."

He smiled, shaking his head, turning his attention back on your laptop. "Plane leaves in two hours."

You nodded, horrible situations running through your head to as why your dad asked you to come home so fast.

You were pacing back and forth, grabbing random stuff you thought you might need, obviously flustered.

Dan grabbed your wrist and you stopped running around. "Slow down." He urged. "We have time."

You nodded, taking a deep breath, not calming down at all, whatsoever. "Are you finished packing?"

You nodded, deciding you had everything important. He pulled you closer and patted on the chair to next to his. You sat down, taking a deep breath. "It's okay. Okay?"

You smiled at Dan and nodded. "Okay." Even though you knew it wasn't and he knew it too.

You rested your elbows on your knees and hid your face in your hands. "It's going to be alright." He said, taking his hands in yours, exposing your face. Your faces were centimeters apart.

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