Do You Know Me, Philip?

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Y/F/S: Your Favorite (TV)Show

Phil turns on the camera as you seat yourself down on his bed. "Woah."

He sits next to you, turning his head to look at you. "What?"

"Your bed is sooooooo comfy." You reply, scooting your butt side to side.

You both burst out into laughter at the stupid, yet hilarious thing you did. "Don't do that on the internet." Phil nudges your shoulder, smiling softly.

"I'm sorry, Internet." You say to the camera.

"Hey, guys." Phil waves. "I'm here with... (Youtube name)!"

"Hello, AmazingPhil subscribers." You wave.

"Alright, today I thought we could test our skills on how well we know each other."

"Even though I only moved in two weeks ago, so... we've only know each other for two weeks." You add.

"Yep." Phil says, handing you a pile of white cards, each with a question written at the top. "We are going to write our answers down to these questions on these cards, and try to guess each other's answer."

"Sounds good," You say, taking the marker Phil was holding out to you.

"First question... what are your mum and dads name."

"Nice question." You grin at him.

"I wanted them to be different so we could learn more about each other." He laughs back.

"Well, I have two dads." You tell him before he writes anything down.

"Aw, you do?" He asks, softly. "Now i'm picturing two really good looking guys taking care of a baby Y/N."

You laugh at his comment.

"Fan Art. Now." He points at the camera.

"Oh! Yeah! Tumblr #heylookY/Nanddads." You add in.

"Alright, I expect to look at them with you." Phil says.

"Next video." You smile.

You then both write down answers on your cards.

"Any siblings?" Phil asks, reading off the next card.

"Am I supposed to answer that?" You ask, looking up at him.

"No, not out loud." He laughs. "But if you think I do, write down the name and if you think their younger or older."

"I think I know yours." You say, confidently writing down your answer.

"We'll see." Phil says, writing down his answer.

"What is your favorite tv show?" I read off the card.

"Oh, you told me at Starbucks." Phil replies, quickly writing down an answer.

"Did you tell me yours?" You ask.

"I think so." He shrugs.

"Hahahahaha... ha... ha..." You awkwardly say, making an over dramatic worried face.

"It's alright if you don't remember." Phil laughs at you, poking your cheek.

"No..." You lay back on Phil's bed. "Ahhhhh..."

"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, Y/N." Phil shakes your knee. "Come back, don't die, it's alright."

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