Our Coffee Shop Part 2

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Dan invited you to sit down at a table with him, for which you did. You talked about video games and Phil(how you met him), but you mostly talked about youtube.

"danisnotonfire." He repeated.

"I think Tyler and I did a react to your old videos." You smiled. "That's probably why I don't recognize you... And why i'm seeing you as an eighteen year old boy."

"ugh..." Dan hid his face in his hands. "I hate those videos." He laughed.

"Aw, you were cute."

"And awkward."

"Still are." You told him, meaning both cute and awkward.

"That's very true." He smiled and then stopped. "Wait... Tyler Oakley?"

"Yeah... He's my best friend. He probably says hello."

"So you did see the video we did together?" Dan asked.


"You mother..." He bit his lip to keep the swear from escaping.

You smiled, leaning back in your chair. "Oh hey, I forgot. I have to meet Phil at Starbucks at two." You told him.

"Should I text him?" Dan asked.

"We should meet him there."

~Time Skip to another day because why write about casual conversations at Starbucks brought to you by Dan's fringe~

I'M COMIN!!! Plane leaves tomorrow morning!


Excited to see u 2.


I CHIMED IN, HAVEN'T YOU PEOPLE EVER HEARD OF, CLOSING THE GODDAMN DOOR!(Panic! At the Disco. it's a great band if ya didn't already know)

You heard your phone ringing from the other room. You ran towards it, Dan's name written across the screen. "Hey D-"



"Sorry, that was Phil." Now it was Dan.

"Is Phil dying?" You questioned, extremely confused.

"No, just being overdramatic." He emphasized, Phil must be right there next to him.

"HOW AM I BEING OVERDRAMATIC???" You heard Phil say, you imagined him flailing his arms around.

"Phil, it was a coat rack." Dan said.

"Okay, I don't want to know." You said flatly. "Is there a reason you called while you're in such dramatic scene?"

"I wasn't planning on calling you right then... Just-" he took a deep breath.

You smiled. "Yes, Daniel?"

You could tell he was smiling. "Do you want to come over and film a video with me?"

"And me?!" Phil yelled.

You laughed. "Sure. Today?"

"Yeah- unless you can't."

"Are you kidding? I have no life. I'll be over in ten." And you hung up on him.

I'm sorry this was really short and stupid and the title only makes sense for the first part of this chapter... and that the starbucks scene was cut out. It was just getting really stupid so... yeah... sorry. Right. I'll try to do better on the next chapter. Thanks for reading, I guess. Love ya!


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