Chapter 15

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Chapter 15
Lily's POV
My eyes fluttered open. My head was looking straight at the ceiling. I turned my head a bit and saw Noah sound asleep. I let out a small yawn. It sounded like a baby yawn.

"Morning, beautiful," Noah says.

I felt my cheeks to heat up, and begin to turn to a bright red.

"Morning," I said.

I begin to sit up and get up, however Noah holds onto my hand. He pulls me into his arms.

We sit there for what seems like forever. Holding each other as if it were the end of the world.

Noah and I began to watch an old episode of The Big Bang Theory. Laughing like there was no tomorrow.

Suddenly we heard a knock on the door. Seconds later my door swung open. It was my brothers.

Dante and Andrew raced onto my bed. Nick slowly walks in. Beginning to sit in my lap. Noah was having a little fight with the other two. Nick was sitting there holding my arm as if life depended on it.

My dad is by the door way looking at all of us. He doesn't say anything but "Mornin'." Then leaves.

"Hi," Nick quietly says.

"Hi," Noah says back.

"Why are you here?" he asked.

"I don't know really," Noah stifles a laugh. Causing me to giggle. Which I barely do. Curse having feelings on a boy.

"Do you like it here?"

"Of course, little man."

At this point we were all heading downstairs. I just walking slowly because of Maggie. Mags tried to knock over the laundry in the bathroom. Thanks a lot Maggie.

I walking down the stairs and I heard Noah and Nick still having their conversation.

"Is Lily coming down?" Nick asks.

"I'm pretty sure," Noah answers.

".....Do you like her?"

Awkwardness is filling my lungs.

"Uhhhh....." If he said no, my world is shattered like broken glass. If it was a yes, I'd be happy. I haven't been so "in love" in a while. My last relationship didn't end well.

Time was passing by.

Seconds felt like minutes. Minutes felt like hours. It felt like forever.

I felt my eyes lid getting really heavy. Slowly closing.

"LILY!!" I heard a voice shout. It was Nick.

I immediately shot up. I was on the bottom step. When I did shot up, I must've tried to step down the single stair too because I ended up on the ground. Creating a really big thud.

I hear footsteps racing over to where I was. I looked up. I saw Noah.

"Why cant he give an answer!! I can lie on the floor for a while. I don't really care. Just give an answer!" I angrily thought.

"What happened?" Noah was so startled that he was seriously pale.

"Oh.....I fell....." Speak, Lily. Speak. I cleared my throat and spoke. "I fell down the step coming down. I tripped somehow."

I'm still on the floor, but I feel a pair of hands helping me up.

I looked into Noah's eyes.

I just wanted to scream at him. Just give a damn answer, man!

C'mon man! I would've just said yes by now.....okay maybe not. In retrospect, I would've been so awkward about all of this.


"Lily?" a voice interrupts my thoughts. "Earth to Lily. Noah here."

"Oh! Sorry," I apologized.

Noah put his arm around me and we walked to the kitchen. With Nick behind us.

The three us entered the kitchen. My dad sees Noah's arm around me. That's when Noah awkwardly unwrapped his arm from me.

Thanks a lot, dad.

"How's everything, guys?" my dad asks as he setts down the toasted bread and the butter. Also with bacon, scrambled eggs, and cups of milk.

"Eh," my brothers shout in unison.

My dad looks over his shoulder from finishing u with the last bacon strips.

"What about you kiddos?" his eyes were eyeing Noah and myself.

"Everything's good," Noah answers for the both of us.

Everything is suddenly silent. All you could hear was the bacon strips being cooked.

Breakfast wasn't quiet. however was fun. My dad was off from work for a week, so he got the chance to be here with us. To make it better, Noah was here too.

Not even going to regret saying that at all. I'm proud of that.

--------hours later-------

Noah and I were walking around New York again, but instead with the girls and the guys.

So basically it was Chrissy, Talia, Amy, Alexis, Katy, Noah, Oliver, Ian, and I. The boys were mad at first for being out numbered by girls, but were fine by it.

Since the group was seriously big, we decided to split up. Noah and I didn't care who we with, as long as we were with someone.

Chrissy was with Oliver. Daw. Talia went with Ian. Amy, Alexis, and Katy were together. So that left Noah and I. Katy Amy, and Alexis literally grabbed each other when they saw the other four pair up.

Noah and I didn't mind at all that we were partnered up. It was just weird how once someone said that we should split up, everyone decided to partner with each other and not one of us.

"We will meet up in front of the place where they drop the ball on New Years Eve just before 5," Katy announces. We all agreed and split.

Noah and I were just walking out of Starbucks. Suddenly I get a text from the girls.

Alexis: You are very welcome XD
Christine: Oh I forgot!!! Yea you're welcome
Talia: I can't believe it actually worked!
Amy: Wait what?.....OH right!
Katy: I've got to admit I didn't think it would work XP

The texts continue to come in. Spamming my phone. Blowing up the messages.


The awkward silence begins to come in.

Christine: Like its not obvious!
Katy: And I thought you were the smart one!
Lily: For pete sake!! Can someone explain all of this?
Talia: Basically....

She left it off there. No one texted for about a minute or so. Noah and I had arrived at Central Park after about twenty to thirty minutes.

Alexis: It was Katy's idea to get you two together. So we figured we'd split up. Since we'd needed to do that anyways. When Oliver and Chrissy partnered, Talia and Ian, and Katy, Amy, and I were together, it was perfect enough for you two to be together.
Amy: When it was just Alexis, Katy and I, we had to be together in order for you two to be together.
Chrissy: You are probably mad at us, but hey! We did this for you sister
Katy: Courtesy of Katy!!!
Talia: Don't be mad.....

Anger was kind of filling my air space, however I calmed down quick. I did want to be with Noah. It's fun to be around him. Although I was aggravated by my own best friends. I let this slide, and then thanked all of them.

The conversation ended there, and I decided not to be mad at my friends.

When it was just before five, all of us had met up just in time. Once we were all there, I saw my best friends smiling like crazy trying so hard not to laugh. I looked over Noah's expression read "What the hell is going on?" I shrugged to protect the truth.

First Nick, now my friends what next?

Noah's POV
Lily and I headed back to her house. Nick eagerly jumped onto my back from standing on the couch.

That's when he had asked me again," Do you like Lily?"

I put Nick down on the ground. Looked around to see if Lily was around. Crouched down and whispered back, "Between me and you little man...."

I gave a little pause and made my voice quieter.

"I do."


A/N: I know I know this is a crappy chapter. I had massive writers block and I got busy with school and dance.

I apologized if you expected more but hey at least Noah finally revealed it to someone. Yup I said it. Well I guess I did. Noah hasn't told anyone. Until he told Nick.

What's gonna happened now?

I don't even know lmao XD

I'm kidding....

Maybe I'm not...

Who knows XP


Guys thank you for 500+ reads. Doesn't seem like much, but whatever. Its an accomplishment. Thanks to those you have read this story, commented, and voted. Etc.




Twitter: @infinitypagal


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