Chapter 16

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Chapter 16
Noah's POV
"REALLY?!" Nick exclaimed. He had jumped off my back and ran around jumping up and down.

I instantly put my hand over his mouth before he could go on saying anything. As i step back, Maggie is walking around us.

I tripped over the poor dog and fell. Holding Nick close still clanging onto his mouth. He was on me trying to get up.

Suddenly someone comes in. It's Lily.

"Uhh...." Lily steps forward a bit. Bending down to examine the situation.

"Hi!" I said. Nick gave a small wave and tried to wiggle out of my grip. I let go of him and he shot up.

"This is not awkward at all...." Nick butts in.

"Mmhm," Lily exaggerates the phrase.

"Lily," Nick begins to say after about a minute. We were walking to the kitchen. Nick looks at me. The mischievous smile is plastered on his face.


Nick gives a nod and his facial expression read "Don't-worry-I'll-tell-her"

"Noah told me..." He pauses and gives a thumbs up to me.

Before he could say anything I closed his mouth again resulting us to fall.

"Um?" Lily questions.

"What Nick was trying to say was," I help the poor boy up and finish for him, "that we should go to the restaurant nearby."

"Oh sure!" she replied, "Anything for you little bro."

Lily leaves the room to go get ready again although we came here like five minutes ago. Whatever.

"What'd you do that for?!" Nick hissed.

Small kid, but really big anger issue.

"You can't just tell Lily," I squatted down to his level and held his shoulder. "Just not yet. Not yet, little man."

Nick nods, although he kept frowning.

"Let's go boys!" Lily calls.

Nick was smiling from ear to ear suddenly. Sprinting into the other room.

What am I going to do now? That kid better listen to me. Not to be harsh. I just can't risk having him tell Lily that I like her. I never told anyone. Telling Lily's brother.

What the hell did I do?

I shook my head from the thoughts as I raced to the door where the other two were.

(At the Resurant)

Lily, Nick, and I were sitting in the corner booth. It was practically empty. It was just us, an elderly couple at the far end of the place, and a young couple in about their twenties right center middle of the restaurant.

We didn't go to those fancy restaurants. Of course not. We went to those like family kind of places. It was more of a fast food place I guess you could say.

"What can I getcha kids?" the waiter had said. There were two. The one that had spoke was a lady in her mid thirties chomping on her piece of gum really annoyingly. Her name tag had read "Betty." The other one was a guy about seventeen or eighteen. The guy's name was "Victor." This Victor guy kept staring at Lily with puppy dog eyes.

"Can we all get a big plate of seasoned curly fries. Another plate of chicken tenders. Also two medium drinks of coke a cola and one small apple juice?" Nick had ordered for all of us.

Betty and Victor had left though Victor had turned around and winked at Lily. I felt my hands clenched up real tight. To the point where my knuckles were white.

It's not like Lily and I were dating it. It's the fact this Victor dude flirting with Lily like I'm not here.

"Hey," Victor had came over here.

"Hi," Lily replied.

"You come here often?"


The flirting scenario kept going on. Lily wasn't flirting back though. This Victor did seem like a cool guy. Just a pain in the rear end.

"Lily!" I exclaimed a bit too loudly. Too loudly that everyone, which wasn't much people, had looked over here. "Could you switch seats with me?"

"Uh..sure," she replies. Just as we both get out the booth to switch seats so Lily was nearest to the window and across from Nick. And so I'm at the edge of the booth.

I gave Victor a death glare and he rushed off to do his work. He looked back and I mouthed the words, "Don't come back." His face becomes seriously pale and rushed off again.

"Hey isn't your birthday coming soon?" Lily asked as the food and drinks had arrived.

"Yeah," I answered back.

Nick was busy stuffing his face with food.

The food wasn't bad at all to be honest.

"What are you going to do for your birthday?" Why is Lily so curious?

"I don't really know. My mom probably has work. My sisters are probably going to be at my grandparents house. While I get birthday cupcake and a candle. That's kind of what happened each year since my dad died," I felt my head look down at the ground. Tears forming in my eyes.

Lily then wrapped her arms around me in a backwards hug.

"Tomorrow you aren't just doing that. I promise," Lily reassures.

I just nod so we don't have to argue. We began to eat while laughing just the three of us.

At the end, I was about to pay, but Victor comes around saying, "No, no, no. It's on the house." Then winking at Lily.

We began to argue about who got to pay. That's until Nick came in. "I'll pay! Jeez! Calm yourselves!"

Victor and I had stepped back in defense. Nick had payed and dragged Lily and myself out. Putting us in front, then saying, "Leave my sister alone you freak! She already has someone!" Loud enough so Victor could hear. Although Lily couldn't hear this I did. Nick had then pointed to me.

I gave him a glare and he shrugged sprinted out the place.

I was walking Nick and Lily home. Nick busted through the door. Maggie had shut the door somehow.

Lily and I sat on the porch bench.

"The stars looks really beautiful," Lily had said.

"Mmhm," I agreed.

Silence had filled the air now.

"I have to go now, but thank you for these past few weeks," Lily said.

"No problem," I answered back.

We were at her door, and suddenly......

She kissed me on the cheek.

Lily had left and I was left with even more butterflies then ever.

Staring at the ceiling in my room. Things going through my mind like these two questions:

"What does Lily have in store for tomorrow?"


"Why did she kiss me?"

A/N: I was supposed to update this ON Logan Lerman's birthday in honor of him. Jan 19. But this chapter is dedicated and in honor of him.

If you're wondering why im saying this and haven't seen the cast list. It's because he's the guy that plays Noah XD

Thank you guys for everything.


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