Chapter 8

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Okay, so let's see... Thank you guys for the many reads and votes. Just... yeah. Yeah I know I use too many dots. In general and in the story. Eh. It just makes sense to me if I did put dot dot dot.

Pretty sure some of you will skip this Author's Note, but whatever. I can't do anything about it.

ANYWAYS... Chapter Eight


Chapter 8
Lily's POV

The girls and I looked everywhere. Though once the bell rung, I had to go to class. I hoped Noah got to class. As I entered my class for History, I saw him. Noah. He was with Mr. Thompson. Next thing I knew, Noah turned around and he didn't look so good. His face was slightly green.

"Are you okay?" I asked him. He just passed by me without answering. The girls and I looked at each other worried.

What happened?

Noah's POV

I don't know why I left. I know Lily and I are just friends, but she just doesn't understand. I like her .... more than a friend. What do you call when you fall in love when you first meet them ... oh right. Love at first sight.

Okay I admit I did fall for Lily love at first sight. If that make any sense. The point is I don't know why. Something about Lily was different from anybody else. She had that like popular visual aspect, but has that smart and nerdy side. When we were working on our biology project, she seemed to answer all of the questions all right and not seem embarrassed about it. Though in class when there's a question asked, Lily doesn't step in to answer. If no one does, she'll like answer it like a question. Like "It's a metamorphic rock, right?" She tends to do that a lot. I'm not saying that I stalk on her. I just have most of my classes with her.

My whole point, because I'm just going to keep going with this if I don't get to the point, Lily was different. In a good way. That's why I like her. She's like my best friend Adelyn...

Adelyn Parker. She was my best friend back in Atlanta. She was kind of like Lily in a way. Though she never hung out with those popular people at school. Back in Atlanta, when I was with Adelyn, I sort of fell for her. Adelyn had blonde, almost a brunette color, kind of hair that's halfway down her back just like Lily. They were both the same height. Blueish/greenish eye color. Though if you look really closely, its more of a turquoise with a hint of like a emerald green. Both personalities were similar. Both quirky, cheeky, geeky, audacious, full of life. Though when it comes to school, they're focused, determined, etc.

Lily was a bit too similar to Adelyn. Which kinda scares me. I guess because Adelyn was my first crush. I don't know. Besides Adelyn moved away in the 7th Grade to Washington. The state. Adelyn's dad got a new job and also Adelyn was told that, by her father, that it was best to leave Georgia because he thinks that the schools and colleges weren't right for Adelyn. When I heard she had to leave, I literally broke down. My best friend was going away across the country from Georgia to have a new life, and probably forget about me. I probably sound like a girl, but it was arduous. Adelyn was my best friend since the 2nd Grade. We had a strong bond that was hard to break. When I fell for Adelyn, it made everything I did awkward and harder for me to do. Like be with her alone or just sitting next to her in general.

It goes the same for Lily because ever since coming to this town, all that happened to me was getting insulted and bullied. I came to this town during the summer that's why I knew half of the people in town already. I just didn't go to school in September because of papers to be filled out and there was a deadline for it. You have three other daughter to think about. Plus with all the history my family and I had it took a bit longer. My mom being a single mom and all.

Those three guys that were hurting my first day at school already bullied me, I already knew. Not from just this summer, but they went to my old school for like three years, but they all left and individual times. All friends back then. Still friends today. Bullied back then by them, still today. I don't think it matter that much to any of you. But hey! What am I suppose to say. Just telling a story.

How Lily ties into all of this. Well she helped me with Tyler, Zander, and Jake. Like Adelyn did... No one has ever done that, well besides Adelyn. I always forget to mention Adelyn because when I do, it's hard to think about it. It just hurts so much thinking about. To the point where I just want to cry. When you think its stupid, one person can make a big impact in your life. You could even not realize it. For Pete sakes, a dog can change your life. One of best friend's dog actually changed his life forever. That's a different story for another time.

Anyways, my mom picked me up from school. She didn't say anything about me being sick. All she said that she'd be at work. I lay in bed regretting not staying at school. Though I 'd rather stay at home. After what Lily said earlier, it hit. What am I thinking? Me be in a relationship with Lily? Hahaha... yeah that really hurts. She probably didn't mean to say it. She did looked infuriated about being caught up in a rumor. Right?

Just one question...

Does she feel the same?


Aww Noah. If Noah were real, I'd give him a hug right now. Even though Logan Lerman plays as him. Like I'd ever meet Logan. haha Just need a guy like Noah. That's all. :D Apologies for the short chapter. Like I said, Writer's Block.

What did you guys thinks? Please vote, comment, maybe share even.

Any of you Directioners see the Behind the Scenes of Story Of My Life? I bet you did. :) I wanted to cry during the picture with Louis with his parents and grandparents. When his grandparents disappeared from the picture, I cried. I may be a Harry's Girl, but c'mon I bet you guys cried too. Any of you that hate One Direction I just have something to say to you. WELL THEN.

This Friday Catching Fire comes out! Anyone of you seeing the movie? Hope you guys do. Saturday for you Directioners out there, the 7 hour live stream of One Direction. Any of you guys seeing it 7 hours straight. I hope I can, but eh. I will watch it. Not promising the whole thing, since I might get yelled at for being on the computer for 7 hours. Haha. Sunday AMAs OMG! Please tell you guys are going to watch that! Like c'mon its the American Music Awards! Who wouldn't? :) I'm not forcing ya, Just wondering. Then if I'm correct Monday, One Direction announces the US tour dates for the "Where We Are" Tour. I know some of you guys hate One Direction, but seriously One Direction are literally life savers. But hey we all got opinions.

Wow this is a long A/N. ANYWAYS... Rememeber to vote, comment, and maybe share.

My twitter: @infinitypagal

Bye guys!

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