After the Fact- Authors Note

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This is my first story so I hope you like it. Before telling you anything else, I need to make it clear that all of these characters except for Abi, Marissa, Ava, Rose, and Stewart belong to Lemony Snicket. Some of the places do as well. I am not as good of a writer as Lemony Snicket sadly.

This fan fiction is appropriate for most. There will be a few kisses;). And some very very very slightly offensive language once.  Here is some brief information so you are not lost. SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!! This will take place about a year after after the Baudelaires met Quigley in the Mortmain Mountains. Violet is almost 16, Klaus is 14, Sunny is 2 and a half, and Beactrice is almost 1. The Quagmires are all close to turning 15.


Edit: I have had a lot of people saying they don't like or hate Quiglet. I respect your ships but if you are looking for Dunclet this is not the story for you.

After the Fact-A Series of Unfortunate Events FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now