NuWay Cafe Chapter 13

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Violet walked down to the tree to see Quigley already sitting there waiting. "Are you ready to go?"said Quigley "Sorry I don't have a fancy way to get there,  I am only 14 after all.

"That's okay I don't expect a date at all to be honest."

"I would have done anything to have this date."

"I'm glad we are. It is our first date."

"Violet's first date, V.F.D."

"That's funny," she said and they started walking to the restraurant. The restraunant was NuWay Cafe which was know for it's loose meat sandwiches and root beer. It was a home like, tavern styled restraurant. (Actually in their time era, isn't that fancy)

They chatted for a while and ordered their food.

"Fries always remind me of home. When we were younger Duncan and my father would always try to make homemade fries."

"My mom tried once too but Sunny was the only person really interested. She didn't really like them though, too soft."

"Did she try and make very fishy dumplings? They told me it's a family tradition." Quigley said.

"Yeah but we didn't care for fish. Especially Klaus."

" Speaking of Klaus he mentioned something to me about Isadora, are they like a 'thing' now?" Quigley asked.

"Oh yeah I think they like each other. That's kind of weird for me because my best friend is dating my brother."

"That is kind of weird. I never imagined Klaus dating or liking anyone," Quigley said.

"Well he actually had this thing for another girl like a year ago but that jerk is gone now." Violet said.

"Who was that?"

Violet then proceeded to tell him all about Fiona and what happened.

"I never liked Fiona and she was a jerk with stupid triangular glasses that left Klaus. I hope to never see her again."

"It would also make things awkward between Isadora and Klaus."

"Yeah that would be awkward." They finished their meals and went to the movies. They finished the movie and started walking home.

"That movie was great, thanks for taking me."

"Anything for you. I love you." Violet was taken back by this statement. It was their first date but he already said that he loved her. This was kind of a big moment for them.

"I love you too." said Violet. They kept on walking like nothing huge happened, but something certainly did. They were holding hands though so I guess it was kind of like something happened. Once they walked back on campus they saw a terrifying sight and a familiar face.

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