Seen a Ghost Chapter 15

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"So what happened on the date?"

"Well we talked about...stuff and we saw the movie."

"Anything serious?"

"We might have said that we loved each other."

"Oh my God that's great news. Who said it first? It was Quigley, wasn't it?" Isadora said really excited.

"Okay calm down and yes it was Quigley."

"How romantic! "She said a little dreamy-eyed. "I wish that would happen to me and kl..."

"And Klaus I know." Violet said awkwardly.

"Are you okay Vi? It looks like you've seen a ghost." Violet sure wished Fiona was a ghost but she wasn't.

"I'm fine just taken aback by the big step that happened in my relationship." Violet lied. Well she was in shock from what happened with her and Quigley but more of what happened with Fiona. Then someone knocked on our door. Isadora started to get up but Violet told her to sit down. She answered the door, saw Fiona, and stepped outside of the room.

"How did you find out my room number?"

"That doesn't matter what did you mean when you said that I lost Klaus too?"

"I meant that he doesn't like you anymore and we are all quite mad at you. Which you should expect!"

"I understand why you are mad but I had to choose my family over my love for a stranger, don't you understand that?" Violet did understand that , she chose to stick with her brother and sister instead of trying to follow Quigley down Stricken Stream. Fiona was difrernet though, her brother was a criminal and she broke Klaus's heart on purpose.

"I understand, a little but you shouldn't have left the way you did. That was very immature."

"I know I'm sorry but I do want to fix this."

"I don't think this can be easily fixed."

"I'm sorry really I just want my friends back." Fiona said with a sincere voice.

"Some things can't be fixed by an apologie," Violet walked back inside her room and closed the door. Closing a door on someone's face is not polite but Fiona was not a very good friend to the Baudelaires so this could be excused.

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