You Mean too Much to Me Chapter 29

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The 5 close friends and Marissa sat down in the game room of Prufrock Preparatory School and tried to decide on a board game to play.

"How about Sorry?" Klaus asked thinking of games that they could play with 6 people.

"That's still not enough game pieces to actually play," Duncan said getting bored of thinking of games.

"We could always partner up. I wouldn't mind," Quigley said smiling a little at Violet.

"That is a great idea,  I'll partner with Klaus and Duncan and Marissa will be partners." Isadora said happily. "Oh and of course Violet and Quigley will be partners," she said giggling a little.

"You still aren't done making fun of them, Izzy, it's getting old?"

"Sorry Dunc, I thought you were over her." Duncan's face turned bright red either from embarrassment or from anger, it was hard to tell.

"Isadora stop, seriously we're done with that." Quigley said sternly giving her a nasty glare. Isadora was quite taken aback by this statement since Duncan was usually the most serious of the three, and Quigley was okay with joking around normally. Duncan gave Quigley a grateful look not wanting to mention such a touchy subject.

"Can we play something too?" Abi asked from a few feet away with Fiona standing next to her. Isadora rolled her eyes a little at the girl standing next to Abi.

"Sure, if you guys will be partners,  since we only have one spot left." Marissa said invitingly. The two joined the game playing as red.

"Sorry, Izzy,  you are closest to our base," Fiona said in a bit of a mocking tone. She had just sent Isadora and Klaus' farthest pawn back to start.

"Whatever," Isadora said. "Also it is Isadora."

"Why do you hate me so much" Fiona said annoyed.

"I don't hate you"

"It seems like it," Fiona said standing up.

"Well hate is a strong word but not strong enough to disribe my dislike for you." Isadora shouted standing up.

"Same to you, Isadora!"

"Stop!  Right now, both of you," Klaus said stepping between them. "How ridiculous,  you two are fighting but you don't even know each other that well."

"Klaus, what I know about her is enough. I know what she did to you and I don't want you falling for it again…you mean too much to me." Isadora said getting upset now. " I'm sorry."

Fiona stomped out of the room with tears in her eyes.

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