Not Around Duncan Chapter 9

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She headed back to her dormitory to talk to Isadora.  "I'm back."

"Hi sorry about that."

"It's okay for me but you really made Duncan find out in an awkward way instead of easing him into it," Violet said with a little disappointment  in her voice.

"So what are you doing tomorrow?"

"Quigley and I are going to lunch and a movie."

"You are going on your first date! Yay! I hope you have fun!"

"Okay you are never going to stop teasing me are you."


"Fine, but please not I front of Duncan. He is said enough as is. I feel terrible… first I like Duncan then I complitily fall in love with his brother, and your brother, but it sucks seeing him like this. I didn't want this drama but it had to happen for me to be with Quigley."

"I am really,  really sorry Vi but you we're just delaying the enabitable." Violet sighed and just let go of the argument and went to lay down. She layed down for a while but was just bored so she decided to head down to the tree.

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