Missed You Chapter 3

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"Wait is that jerk still here,"Violet questioned.

"Yeah but we have a much more controlling principal that keeps him in line, now his concerts are normally on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for about an hour not on a Thursday like this. The school is also more normal now we get 6 periods and weekends!" Isadora replied.

"Well we should probably get going then," said Klaus. They all started to head to the auditorium when they saw the vice principal and he said to them,"Hello children I see all of the weirdos are back together but am I seeing double there are two boy twins."

"We are triplets you idiot and you know that I'm sick of your crap," said Quigley angerally.

"Detention tommorow during lunch. "

"You are ridiculous," yelled Violet.

"OK you guys get detention together then."

"Fine" they both said simultaneously. They all walked into the auditorium.

"Why do you let him get to you like that Quigley,"said Duncan with a little disappointment in his voice.

"He does not have the right to pick on us even as a principal, Duncan."

Then someone started speaking. It was a sweet sounding lady's voice that said "okay students settle down and take a seat." The Quagmires and Baudelaires took some seats in the back while everyone else scurried around. The same girl voice said "we have some new students with us today."Violet and Klaus realized what was about to happen they couldn't do anything so they just had to face it. "Violet and Klaus Baudelaire," some students started clapping and others did nothing. "Stand up Baudelaires." The siblings did as told. "This concert is in honor of them. Thank you children you may sit. The concert will start now."

The kids sat through the concert and at the end bustled out of the door. They started back for their dorms when Quigley said to Violet in a whisper "I really did miss you I'm so glad your back. "

"I missed you too"

And they all headed to bed.

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