The Great Genesis Chapter 1

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The Baudelaires and Beatrice road all the way back to the mainland from the island for five hours without any complications. At this particular moment Sunny was thinking about how she could really use a raw carrot which she was craving so much. Klaus was rummaging through the books he has read in his mind and seeing if he could think of a way to make this boat ride more enjoyable and comfortable. The eldest Baudelaire was thinking about many things,  she was thinking about the quite young child sitting on her lap,  about if the deadly fungus had spread across the world,  and at this particular moment she was thinking about Quigley. Maybe he would have been able to tell them which way to go to find land or where in the ocean they we're but he was not here so that could not happen.

They made it to the mainland and their first mission was to find the Quagmires. They had read news articles about how a self sustaining hot air balloon had crashed with Duncan,  Isadora,  and the supposedly dead Quigley Quagmire. It also said that they we're now back at Prufrock Preperatory school..... Yay. The Baudelaires did not want to go back there for a few reasons: Carmelita Spats could be there, Vice Principal Nero could be there, and what would happen to Sunny and Beatrice. Surely once they were found to be alive the would have to go though.

Eventually the Baudelaires were found to be alive and had to go to Prufrock Prep. The special edition was that Sunny and Beatrice got to stay at a boarding daycare and could see the others on holidays. This was sad for Sunny since she would not see her siblings much but at least she wasn't going back to Prufrock Prep.

When the Baudelaire's finally got to the school they were happily surprised the there was no Carmelita and that they got a dormitory this time. Violet headed to her dormitory to find a surprise. She entered and said "Hi I am your new roommate." The girl turned her head around and then Violet realized her roomate was… Isadora Quagmire.

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