Probably Clothes Chapter 4

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"What should I wear for my first day? "

"Probably clothes. "

"Haha funny, no but seriously what should I wear? "

"Probably something cute for Quigley," Isadora said sarcastically.

"What does that mean? " Violet said a little offended.

"I know you and Quigley have a thing and you guys will be in detention together with probably nobody else, people have learned not to mess with Nero. "

"Well I will wear something cute today,  but it is for ME not for HIM.!"

"Sure it is Vi, keep telling yourself that."

Everyone met up in the cafeteria at the far table. Duncan made sure to sit on one side of Violet and Isadora let Quigley have the other. "You look really beautiful today Violet.

"Why thanks Quigley, " Violet said with blushed cheeks.

They finished eating their meals and went to their first period: P. E."I hope this P. E. class is better than the last time we were here,"said Klaus.

"I believe we are starting square dancing today," said Isadora "no running!"

"That will be fun," Violet said smiling at Quigley. Quigley smiled back and said "I've never square danced before."

They got to square dancing and picked out their groups. Their group was Isadora and Klaus, Violet and Quigley, Marissa and Duncan,  and Rose and Stewart. Rose and Stewart were just 2 people who didn't make fun of the Quagmires or Baudelaires. Marissa has had a crush on Duncan since the 8th grade but thought guys should be the ones to ask out the ladies so she never made the big move. Plus Duncan's heart was also still set on Violet.

The first day of square dancing was pretty boring to most people but to Violet and Quigley it was wonderfull. They got to dance for almost an hour together,  what more could they ask for. Well they could ask for many things like better food, their parents back, and a kiss but at that particular moment they were happy.

The tripelets had most of their classes together but Violet and Klaus had no one they knew in most. Violet was particularly excited for her 4th period though. She got to do woodshop which was enough of a perk but Quigley had already decided to take it to help him learn about Violet's interests. She saw Quigley walking to work shop and caught up with him.
"Hey what's up?"

"Nothing I'm just excited for your first day of wood shop with me."

"Are you good at building things now?"

"I'm getting the hang of it."

During class they were making mirrors. Quigley proceeded making a mirror for Violet without her knowing. They talked the whole time and both were enjoying themselves very much.

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