New People Old Things Chapter 5

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Now it was time for lunch detention,  at least they were together. They were headed to room C1 when the young lady that spoke last night stopped them. "Hi you must be Violet it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Nice too meet to miss…"

"Carr. Where are you two going ?"

"Detention," said Quigley in an annoyed voice.

"Why is that?"

"Nero gave it to us last night for essentially sticking up for ourselves."

"What did he say and what did you say? " Mrs. Carr said in a paranoid voice.

"He called the Quagmires and Baudelaire's weirdos and called us twins again. I might have called him an idiot."

"What about you miss Baudelaire?"

"I called him ridiculous."

"Well it makes sense why you guys said what you said and why you are in detention. Goodbye now." She walked off while the young sweethearts walked to detention.

The detention teacher, Mr. Ryan said that they had to stay in there all lunch and that they could talk but quietly and eat but nothing else. He left for most of it but locked the door on the way out. Violet and Quigley we're the only two there."This isn't so bad is it,"asked Quigley.

"No not bad at all, I am with you." The two teens chatted for a while when an interesting topic came up. "My birthday is in 2 weeks you know. It will be my sweet 16th.

"That's exciting. What are you doing? "

"I don't know maybe a small party outside under the willow tree. It will be very lovely."

"Very lovely indeed." Quigley said while looking at Violet. He leaned in for a kiss and received it. They spent a few minutes talking when the teacher came in and told them they could leave five minutes early, so they did. Holding hands.

They two lovebirds walked into the cafeteria to find Klaus, Isadora, and Duncan. They started walking and noticed Isadora was looking at them so they dropped their hands and acted casual. It is a little hard to act  casual though if you are blushing like Violet and Quigley. Quigley sat down next to Duncan and Violet sat down next to Quigley. "You guys are out early,"said Klaus.

"Yeah he said we could go since we were quiet and respectful," said Violet.

"Did anything special happen, " asked Isadora.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean between you and Quigley!" Violet just shrugged and said "nothing new."

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