He's Dead Chapter 26

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The phone was in use.

"Wait let's talk about this with the boys, they are just as important." Violet said.

"Okay fine go grab them." Violet saw Duncan hanging out with Marissa and grabbed his hand.

She pulled him away from Marissa and whispered, "Abi knows all about V.F.D. and we need all of us to go call them so can you grab Klaus and Quigley."

"Sure," he rushed off confused but knew Violet was being serious. He came back downstairs with Quigley and Duncan.

"Abi knows," Klaus asked seriously.

"Yeah we need to go now," Violet said grabbing Quigley's hand and started running. Isadora grabbed Klaus's too. They ran to the office and saw Mrs. Carr. She looked surprised but concerned.

"He's dead," Abi said to her.

"Who? Al Funcoot."

"Yes. Ishmael killed him. Kit is dead too."

"Let's step into me office." They stepped into her office confused.

"We need to get them to V.F.D headquarters," Mrs. Carr said.

"We can't do that right now. Can we?" Violet asked concerned.

"I guess not during the middle of the school year. We could call them or they could come here."

"The Lemony Snicket here?" Abi asked amazed.

"Right now?" Quigley asked concerned. "Do they even know I'm alive?"

"Yes I informed them a while ago. They were pleasantly surprised."

"That's great," Violet smiled at Quigley.

"They will be pleased to know that you guys are apparently engaged too." Mrs. Carr said looking at her finger.

"It's just a promise ring I got her."

"Please don't mention us to them. That would be kind of awkward and embarrassing."

"The would actually be astounded to hear that we already have two young people of V.F.D in love. It makes more commitment to the organization."

The couple did not respond to this but just glanced at each other. Were they part of this organization they still didn't know much about?

"I will call Mr. Snicket and inform him, get back to your dorms please, it's 8 o'clock."

"Wait there is another V.F.D member here," Isadora said. "Fiona Widdershin."

"We will fill her in tommorow go to your rooms before you're caught." They did as told but were still really confused. They all went to bed without a word more said about the matter.

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