That's What's Wrong Chapter 14

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"Oh no, " said Violet with distress in her voice.

"What's wrong?"

"That's what is wrong," Violet said pointing at girl talking to Mrs. Carr.

"Is that…"

"Fiona, yes" Violet said worried. "You need to sneak me into the dormitories so I can get Klaus upstairs.

"Okay let's go," said Quigley concerned. They snuck upstairs successfully to tell Klaus.

"Klaus can you go up to your room please," Violet said rushing Klaus. "It is important."

"What is wrong, Vi?" Klaus asked.

"There is a problem. You need to go to your room.

"What is the problem?"

Then Fiona walked in the living room. "Oh that's the problem." Klaus  said seeing Fiona.

"Please go to your room for now and let me deal with it."

"I want to be here. How about you leave,"Klaus suggested. Violet gave him a stern look, she was in full big sister mode.

"Klaus you know you will have to tell Isadora about her by the way."

"What do you mean Violet, why would that be more of a problem than anyone else." Klaus lied.

"I know you like her don't lie." Before Klaus could say anything Fiona started to come over.

"Quigley you should probably go," whispered Violet and he did.

"Hey guys… I know this must be weird but I'm back," Fiona said looking at Klaus mainly.

"Hi," said Klaus. Violet just looked over and scowled. Klaus nudged her to say hi but she wouldn't budge.

"What are you doing here?" said Violet with a little sas in her voice.

"How nice to see you too Vi. I am here because I thought you guys were my friends but maybe it's only Klaus. Also… my brother tragically died about a month ago so I'm here..

"It is Violet by the way. Sorry about your brother, but I don't think you really have Klaus anymore."

"What is that supposed to mean?" said Fiona a little offended and confused. Then Isadora came down the stairs.

"Klaus I think we had to go do something in our rooms so sorry Fiona but we're busy." Violet walked away and Klaus followed suit.

"Izzy where are you going?"

"Just to see if you were back."

"Well I'm here so let's talk, upstairs, in our PRIVATE dormitory."

"Okay…" Isadora said suspicuously. They walked back to the dorm room.

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