Perfection and Problems Chapter 7

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Violet did fix her hair before going back out. It might have been for Quigley. They started to head down to the tree but only saw Quigley there. "where is Klaus and Duncan?"

"They are coming now you can go find them. "Then Isadora went to go find them leaving the young couple alone. Violet sat down next to Quigley.

"Tomorrow do you want to go see a movie?" He said a little nervously.

"That sounds marvelous. What movie?"

"We could see a comedy, romance, or fantasy."

"Why not see a fantasy movie."She thought to herself: my life sure feels like a fantasy right now.

"Fantasy sounds great," said Quigley while putting his arm around violets shoulder. Violet rested her head on him and sat in peace for a minute,  the world was quiet here.

Isadora, Klaus, and Duncan came. Isadora saw the two and yelled "what are Mr. and Mrs. Quagmire doing!"

"Oh my God,"said Violet and facepalmed.

"What is that supposed to mean," yelled Quigley dropping his arm.

"That means I think you guys are a cute couple."

"We aren't really a couple…technically,"said Violet awkwardly "are we?

"I would like to be."

"See everything works out then doesn't it!"

"Not really," said Duncan with tears in his eyes. He started to walk away fastly. Violet got up and called for him but he didn't come back to her and everything went by so fast.

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