Taller Than You Chapter 12

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The two girls went downstairs to play some chess. They were trying to avoid Abi and make it to the chess board. They did that successfully but Abi came over about half way through the game. "Oh so you losers have moved to chess now. What type of people even play chess?" Violet rolled her eyes. "Oh I know losers."sneered Abi.

"What type of people pick on people who play chess," Violet said standing up to her full height which was taller than Abi's "idiots."

"Oh miss lame is standing up for herself how sweet."

"I'm standing up and I'm definitely taller than you, that's for sure. Can you just stop being a bully and back off." Violet said in her strongest voice. The girls just rolled their eyes and walked away. "I hate those girls," Violet said.

"Let's just get back to chess." Isadora said trying to calm Violet down. After playing the rest of chess and Violet winning. It was time for Violet and Quigley's date.

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