Great Friends Chapter 8

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Great Friends Chapter 8

"Klaus please go get Duncan and tell him I want to talk to him one on one," said Violet with tears in her eyes too.

"I didn't realize this would be a problem sorry," Isadora said walking back to the dormitory. Violet didn't go chasing for her since they see each other all the time. Klaus and Duncan came walking back and Violet took Duncan and said thanks to Klaus.

"I'm so so sorry Duncan I didn't realize th-that you still liked me like that.

"I know and I should have told you but you obviously wanted Quigley more than me."

"Duncan we are still great friends just not a great couple…"

"I thought we could be."

"I am sorry about all of this awkwardness and confusion and sadness but can we put it behind us and just be the great friends we can be."

"Okay we can do that."

"Thank you." Then the two great friends hugged it out. "I really do like you Duncan as a friend." Then Duncan walked back to his dormitory, leaving just Violet and Quigley.

"Let's get back to the movie topic. What movie are we going to see in the first place?" Violet asked.

"The movie is a surprise and the time will be is 1:30 so we can grab some lunch first. We will meet here at 11:45, if that's okay."

"Perfect." Then the two gave each other a long hug. Violet's body relaxed and melted into Quigley's. Quigley was so tempted to kiss her but with all the drama this might be the wrong time. "I to go back and talk with Isadora."said Violet slowly pulling out of the hug.

"Okay see you tonight at the concert.  If you get bored come down to the tree I will probably be here."

"Okay bye," said Violet.

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