Back Together Chapter 2

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"Oh My God, is that really you we thought you had died, " Isadora exclaimed.

"We thought you were dead too until about a month ago."Then they gave each other a big hug. Violet was so glad to see her old friend,  and so was Isadora.

"I'm guessing you want to go see my brothers too don't you?"

"I would love to, but would we be able to sneak out at such a late hour."

"It is only 6 and we have free time 'till 7 now."

"Let's go, wait will the boys know to come down and meet up with us?"

"Duncan has been ready to see you and Quigley has been DYING to see you. They will be there." Just then Violet thought about if Quigley had told the other two about what happened with them and what Duncan had felt like.

"Did Quigley say anything about me and him to you guys."

"A little bit,  he said he had feelings for you but when he saw Duncan's face he stopped there. He told me personally though that he missed you a lot and that he was in love like he had never been before. Sometimes when he was sad he would say that it was because he was missing you. His heart was broken. "

"I can't imagine what his face will look like tonight." The two girls laughed and started walking to a shady space under a tree. Within a few minutes they saw three boys walking over to them. Violet and Isadora sat up and walked over to them.

Isadora and Klaus hugged. Violet gave Duncan a short sweet hug but moved over to Quigley and gave him a long sentimental hug that he gave right back.

Quigley was tempted to kiss her but stopped himself,  it only make Duncan sad and awkward.

Violet said "so how is everyone doing? "

Quigley replied back with "well considering I thought that you guys were dead for about a year now I'm doing amazing!"

"I am so excited to see you guys again," Duncan said while looking over in Violet's direction.

"We are feeling pretty GOOD to see you guys too," Klaus said seeing Violet staring at Quigley.

"Yes, very good," she said looking away from Quigley.

Duncan had noticed this and a frown appeared on a once happy face. They all went to sit under the tree. Isadora sat down and Klaus sat next to her. Violet sat down and next to her was Quigley. Duncan didn't really have a partner so he sat down next to Quigley knowing that he was to nice to flirt and make Duncan uncomfortable. They sat and talked about what had happened since they were separated when an announcement was made:"Vice Principal Nero will have a violin concert today in five minutes if you don't make it you will be punished."

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