Valentines Day Chapter 25

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Everyone woke up on Valentines Day happy. Quigley especially. He reached into his coat pocket and felt a small box. A small smile appeared on his face as he thought about what was going to happen today.

"So makeup today or no?"

"Vi, do you want to wear makeup?"

"I guess I like to so yeah."

"Okay then wear it. It's not a very hard decision."

"I guess your right."

They all headed down to the cafeteria. Isadora was sitting down next to Violet since she didn't have an official valentine. Fiona was there next to Marissa. Now we were just waiting for Klaus.

Klaus walked over and made a huge decision.

He sat down next to Isadora. This obviously made Isadora quite happy and Violet because she did not like Fiona. Isadora scooted a little closer to Klaus claiming him as her's.

During fourth period Quigley gave Violet a big box of chocolates but it was secretive since they weren't supposed to be eating cholate during class.

"Thanks for the chocolate I love them," Violet whispered into Quigley's ear.

"Hey you two, what are you whispering about over there!" The teacher yelled.

"Nothing just… telling her I'm going to grab some paint." Quigley said nervously realizing his mistake.

"Why would you need it when you are not done fully making the rest?"  He said suspiciously. "Mr. Quagmire I think you two were talking about something different."

"Just talking about what we are doing for my birthday," Violet lied.

"Are you sure Miss Baudelaire? You would be talking about that on Valentines Day?"

"Yes we are very sure," Violet assured.

They all headed down to lunch. Duncan and Marissa were sitting down next to each other, Isadora and Klaus were sitting next to each other, and Quigley and Violet came in and sat down next to each other. Marissa and Violet both had a box of chocolate. Isadora did not but was quite happy to be hanging out with Klaus.

After school the couples went to different hang out spots so they could have some time alone. Violet and Quigley went to a little pond on the edge of the school grounds.

"I'm glad we are getting to hang out alone," Quigley smiled.

"Yeah some time away from everyone. Including our siblings."

"Yeah Dunc and Marissa especially. They were getting so lovey dovey."

"At least he got over me."

"That's true." Quigley reached his hand into his pocket and felt the small box. "I have another present for you." He pulled out the small box and opened it.

Violet was very confused,  then happy, then concerned. Was he proposing? At 14?

"Is that what I think it is?"

"It's a promise ring." He slipped it on her left ring finger. "My promise is that one day when we get out of school we will get married." He looked a little serious but happy. "I promise."

Violet didn't know what to say. The beautiful ring with the purple gem sparkled on her hand as she sat in the long grass. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. He hugged her right back.

"I love it," Violet said still choked up. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"I promise too."

She kissed him then fell out of the hug. As a child Violet did not believe in love at first sight but she loved Quigley ever since her first sight and knew it was real. Violet leaned up against Quigley and they sat there and talked together until about 4. Isadora and Klaus were walking to the tree. Something very special happened with them too.

Klaus and Isadora were holding hands and had big smiles on their faces.

"Hey lovebirds!" Violet yelled at the other couple. Klaus blushed and dropped his hands not realizing that his sister was near.

"Hi," Klaus said nervously.

"What's going on, why are so nervous Klaus?"

"No reason."

"Can we go back to our dormitory to freshen up before the concert?" Isadora asked quickly.

"Yeah that's fine," said Klaus. Violet and Quigley gave each other a sad look but decided to go anyway.

"Bye Quigs," Violet hugged Quigley and started to walk away.

Klaus's eyes trailed to Violet's finger,  " What is that?"

"He'll explain," responded Violet.

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