Not a Date Chapter 6

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They finished the school day and met at the tree for homework. Sitting in their normal tree position they finished off their homework and headed to their dorm rooms. "So Ms. Vi how was your date with Mr. Quigley?"

"It wasn't a date!"

"Keep telling yourself that! But really what happened?"

"I said nothing new."

"You kissed didn't you!"


"I knew it," Isadora screamed while jumping up and down "ahhhhh!"

"Be quiet people can here you!"

"Okay okay but don't lie to me again I will figure you out. "Both of the girls laughed."we said we were gonna go meet your boyfriend by the tree at 4 so you better fix your hair before we go."

"He is not my boyfriend."

"But you wish he was!" Violet blushed at this statement because it was totally true. She wanted him to be her boyfriend more than anything right now, and he wanted the same.

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