My Girlfriend Chapter 10

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On the way down she saw Klaus in the rental library. "Hey little brother what are you doing?"

"Just getting away from Stewart, he is my room mate."

"What is wrong with him?"

"He is just boring. So where are you going? Quigley is at the tree by the way."

"Well that is where I was going. I wanted to  play some Monopoly and I was going to invite him but the game looks taken."

"Yeah Abi and her stupid friends are always playing it. It is kind of long."(Abi is a a snobby, rich girl who was like Carmelita's sidekick and has now taken over. Her name is also prounonced like Abby but her mom thought she needed to be special.)

"Well I bet you they won't be playing it forever. If they leave can you take the game."

"I will try my hardest."

"Thanks Klaus."Violet headed down to the tree after giving him a hug.

"Hey Quigley!"

"Hi, I knew you would be going here soon. Did you want to hang out?"

"Well things have been kind of awkward so I wanted to play Monopoly with all of us."

"Sure. Monopoly has always been my favorite. Let's go." They walked back to the living room to see Abi and her crew finally putting away the game. "Klaus grab the game!" Violet yelled.

"Oh wait a minute you think you can just take our favorite game you cakesniffer. Who will even play with you it is not like you have any friends just your sad brother." said Abi and all of her friends laughed. She pushed Violet out of her way "no best friend, no boyfriend, just your little stupid brother."

"HEY SHUT UP!" Quigley screamed at Abi and her crew and stepped in front of them. "You need to stop being a bully and be more mature."

"What is a cute guy like you doing sticking up for a greasy little nobody." This had personally offended Violet since Quigley was hers.

"SHE IS NOT A NOBODY SHE IS MY GIRLFREIND, Now get out of here!" They backed up, after hearing this, a little nervously. It took all of Quigley's strength to stand up to them but it was natural to stick up for Violet.

"Thank you Quigley!" Violet said and kissed him on the cheek.

"No problem I just hate those people and you don't deserve to be picked on. Do we want to play a game now?"

"I will go grab Isadora, You grab Duncan,  and Klaus stay here."

After few minutes they we're all down stairs playing Monoploy. Quigley won, probably because he played it the most. They went to the concert but it was particularly boring. They all went up to bed.

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