You Wouldn't Understand Chapter 17

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Fiona was only in the Quagmires' and Baudelaires' P.E. class. Square dancing was fun for Violet's group but many people did not like, for example Fiona. Fiona did not get to dance with Klaus which was saddening for her because she still loved him. Very much.

The day went on as normal. Violet and Quigley were still flirting in wood shop and Fiona was still missing Klaus. At lunch they all met up in the cafeteria. Marissa was sitting down next to Duncan when Violet and Quigley arrived.

"Oh, hey Marissa," Violet said.

"Hey I figured I would sit here today," Marissa said looking over at Duncan and smiling."

"That's cool," Violet said casually. Then she saw another person coming to sit with them.

"Violet, is it okay if I sit with you guys?"

"Yeah, whatever Fiona."

Isadora leaned over to Violet and said, "why do you act like that Vi, I thought you were more polite than that."

"I'm sorry it's just... you wouldn't understand," Violet said to Isadora.

"What wouldn't I understand Violet? The only thing I don't understand is why you are being so rude to her!" Isadora said raising her voice.

"Shh, we don't want Abi to have another reason to pick on us," Violet said trying to quiet Isadora down.

"Then tell me why you are being so rude," she said not lowering her voice.

Violet looked at Klaus and said "okay we will tell you both tonight." She looked at Duncan and Isadora. "But for now please drop it."

"Okay fine."

"This is about me isn't it, why didn't you just tell them everything already?"

"It is more complicated than you think Fiona," Violet replied.

"No, not really. What can you not tell them about me."

"Well first of all your brother worked for Count Olaf and helped in the kidnapping of the Quagmires, and you chose him over Klaus...and I." Violet blurted this out because so many people were asking her so many questions. Violet got up and stormed away from the table.

She had been stressed because Fiona and Isadora had been pressuring her. She was mad because of what Fiona had done to Klaus. She was sad because the mention of Fernald had brought back the memories of Olaf and the kidnapping of the Quagmires.

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