Heart Broken Chapter 19

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"I'm sorry I stormed out at lunch today."

"It's okay I knew you were probably mad and pressured. And I understand why you didn't want to tell me about her but you should have."

"I'm sorry I just couldn't stand to watch possibly another heart be broken. And I mean your heart not Fiona's."

"You have been through a situation like this before and you chose the same path."

"My situation was similar but not the same. I didn't leave Quigley on purpose. My brother wasn't evil and worked for some maniac. And I didn't break anyone's heart on purpose!" Violet yelled a little madly.

"You chose to pick family over your love interest just like Fiona."

"I didn't swim over to him, kiss him, and then leave with an evil brother. I didn't try to break Quigley's heart. I am not like her!"

"You sort of are Vi, and you need to realize that and start acting more mature!"

"Really I need to be more mature! I have been so mature for so long. I saved lives, I have saved your life. I am as mature as a 16 year old can get."

"You are the one that got me into such danger! "

"You are the one who risked everything when I told you not to. I still grately appreciate you for everything that you've done."

"How did we even get on this topic. We started out talking about the girl Klaus loved coming back and now we are talking about Count Olaf capturing us." Isadora said hopelessly.

"I don't know why we are arguing. Sometimes you just have to argue about things I guess."

"Yeah I guess so."

"I was going to ask are you okay with Fiona and everything?"

"I don't know. I do like Klaus and so does Fiona so that is already uncomfortable. And I understand now why you didn't like her. So things are sort if awkward between us."

"Yeah I never liked Fiona, and I still don't. But the question is do you think that you will be with Klaus?"

"I do but he probably doesn't want me over Fiona."

"He is heart broken about her. They are over but you guys are not. Your relationship hasn't even really started."

"I know he doesn't like me though," Isadora sighed.

"Don't tell yourself that you do not know that. "With that statement they called it a day and hit the hay.

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